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分享 [ 熱點雜談 ]:偽科學:閆氏報告
2021-4-22 10:57
《閆氏報告》是一篇具有誤導性的「偽科學」文章,誣稱新型冠狀病毒是在中國的一個實驗室里製造的。這是一個「偽科學」的例子,它是在情況尚不明朗的時候發布的。隨著科學家們競相尋找新冠病毒的起源,在開放的科學知識庫中共享未經審查的預印本數據成為國際合作的一種重要模式。但是,科學界的日益開放很容易被媒體操縱,尤 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 熱點雜談 ]:Coronavirus Pushes Colleges to the Breaking Point, Forcing 'Hard Choices' about
2020-5-4 12:18
MacMurray College survived the Civil War, the Great Depression and two world wars, but not the coronavirus pandemic. The private liberal-arts school in central Illinois announced recently it will shut its doors for good in May, after 174 years.Like many small schools, it faced declining enrollment a [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Poll: 53 percent of lower-income US households won』t be able to pay all of Apri
2020-4-24 16:54
Just over half of lower-income adults in the US reported that someone in their household had either lost a job or lost hours due to the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new Pew Research Center survey.The survey, of 4,917 US adults in April, revealed that, overall, 43 percent of Americans had som [ ...閱讀全文 ]

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