
老錢:為Trump競選綱領再加一條---Law & Order

作者:LaoQian  於 2020-9-11 13:05 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



發表評論 評論 (48 個評論)

回復 NO_meansNO 2020-9-14 07:26
loneshepherd: The facts say the opposite:
1) he said he would eliminate Obamacare: Obamacare is still here;
2) he said Mexico would pay for the wall: they didn』t p
Let's focus on the "law & order" we have been talking about. Your phrase of "under his watch" implies that the president has been kept out while state governors run the show. So it's unfair to blame Trump for BLM street riots that he has no power over.
回復 loneshepherd 2020-9-14 08:37
NO_meansNO: Let's focus on the "law & order" we have been talking about. Your phrase of "under his watch" implies that the president has been
Then what makes you believe he can bring America back to law&order in the next 4 years, if he fails miserably in his first 4 years?
Again you are trying to make it both ways.
回復 LaoQian 2020-9-14 14:55
reflexes: Law and order當然好。但是Trump 從上次選舉開始一直都在appeal to populism, 不正是一直都在致力於推到過去的law and order嗎?只要對自己有任何不利的報道,哪
回復 LaoQian 2020-9-14 14:58
loneshepherd: 是不是一定要三年前問你、現在才能問你?
回復 loneshepherd 2020-9-15 08:18
LaoQian: 這是事實。難道你不是生活在美國嗎?
回復 NO_meansNO 2020-9-16 08:29
loneshepherd: Then what makes you believe he can bring America back to law&order in the next 4 years, if he fails miserably in his first 4 years?
Again you are tryi
Anyone with an open mind would see that Trump has cleaned up the mess of illegal immigration for the past 4 years. He has done a lot more than his predecessors. You keep blaming him for other people's faults because you are confused about the jurisdiction of federal versus local government. You are skeptical about Trump's call for law & order, but you turned your head and looked the other way when Biden knelt to a group of lawless BLM. My friend, you are falling in love with the DEMS which has blinded you. You can't see the facts straight, thus rendering your arguments worthless.
回復 LaoQian 2020-9-18 10:25
NO_meansNO: Anyone with an open mind would see that Trump has cleaned up the mess of illegal immigration for the past 4 years. He has done a lot more than his pre
回復 hjshhyy 2021-6-10 06:16
LaoQian: 你能幫助嗎?我覺得我的英文寫作還不是很強到可以影響主流社會。我以前做論文時,讓導師修改的很痛苦。
遲復為歉, 好久沒有上來了。

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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