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sunxgzx 2016-2-15 08:56
你好,看了你的微博,感覺學的東西太多,太多,來北美也有幾年了,一直沒找到適合自己專業的工作,也不知道怎麼找,希望你可以給我更我的建議,得到更多的信息,電氣工程專業  謝謝
callieyang.yu 2015-4-14 11:50
by the way , you can reach me through email  callieyang.yu@gmail.com , hoping to have chance to communicate with you soon .
callieyang.yu 2015-4-13 19:15
Hi, I read several of your posts , very good posts .  Hoping to learn more from you as to how to trade stocks. I did CFA testing before , have pasted level 2 but no time to  prepare level 3 and failed twice .  But I always have a lot of interests in learning about how to better manage personal finance.  Wish to have chance to learn more from you .


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