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Cambridge University published a paper on 09/04/2020, thinking that the new coronavirus type A is the root cause of the virus outbreak, and the type A appears in the United States and Australia. The virus that appears in Wuhan belongs to the type B, which is derived from the type A mutation. This paper was published in the Proceedings of the American Academy of Sciences.


  • tea2011: 2020? (4-12 20:31)
  • RightSouth: April 09, 2020. Original article: www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/covid-19-genetic-network-analysis-provides-snapshot-of-pandemic-origins (4-12 20:36)
  • tea2011: 哦,謝謝,我習慣看成九月4日了,以為是筆誤,謝謝。 (4-12 20:56)
  • RightSouth: 英國人寫日期的方式09/04/2020 (4-12 21:19)
2020-4-12 20:19 回復|

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