

作者:貝殼姑娘  於 2012-8-10 00:24 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:冰箱, 冷藏室, 不製冷, 怎麼修


發表評論 評論 (33 個評論)

回復 newsound 2012-8-16 11:22
貝殼姑娘: 這就更不懂了。。謝謝您,是個參考意見。
回復 貝殼姑娘 2012-8-16 11:26
newsound: 沒有開玩笑。
冰箱里有一根自動化冰的電爐絲,靠一個溫度感應裝置啟動,這兩個中某一個壞了,冰就堆積起來,冰箱就不正常工作了。 ...
好的。看來我需要找一個懂行的朋友幫忙,如果找不到,起碼再跟修冰箱的師傅討價時,顯得比較有底氣,是不? 我先上網搜搜這些英文術語,到時候冷酷地甩出來,以示我懂行著呢!!哈哈   
回復 newsound 2012-8-16 13:20
貝殼姑娘: 好的。看來我需要找一個懂行的朋友幫忙,如果找不到,起碼再跟修冰箱的師傅討價時,顯得比較有底氣,是不? 我先上網搜搜這些英文術語,到時候冷酷地甩出來,以 ...
it's called "defrost heater" and "defrost thermostat", you may get the parts from amazon or other places and replace them by yourself, done with $50 or less.
回復 貝殼姑娘 2012-8-17 00:11
newsound: it's called "defrost heater" and "defrost thermostat", you may get the parts from amazon or other places and replace them by yours ...
回復 ironrooster 2012-8-18 10:46
If you can provide brand name and model number we might be able to find part number for you; sometimes there are youtube videos showing how to do this repair.  $5~600 is too much to fix a stand alone unit. There are $900 side-by-side new units.
回復 貝殼姑娘 2012-8-22 03:07
ironrooster: If you can provide brand name and model number we might be able to find part number for you; sometimes there are youtube videos showing how to do this ...
thank you so much!!!  The refrigerator is  whirlpool imperial series.冰箱里貼的紙上有兩個條碼,一個寫:MOD ES5LHAXSA02 , 一個寫:SER. SU2223845
回復 貝殼姑娘 2012-8-22 03:08
回復 ironrooster 2012-8-23 02:19
Youtube video:
回復 ironrooster 2012-8-23 03:02
Freezer is cold but refrigerator isn't on a 5-yo unit. My guess are:

1. fan isn't blowing cold air to the fridge/right side.
2. the air diffuser isn't open properly
(1&2 parts can be found here: http://www.searspartsdirect.com/partsdirect/part-model/Whirlpool-Parts/Refrigerator-Parts/Model-ES5LHAXSA02/1198/0165000/W0706007/00009?blt=06&prst=&shdMod=)

3. needs new compressor relay: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=whirlpool+compressor+relay&hl=en&safe=off&nord=1&prmd=imvns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&ion=1&biw=1920&bih=975&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=17165480795743521158&sa=X&ei=pGvHTpu4LIPBtge70PHHCw&ved=0CGsQ8wIwAA

I am not a professional so be careful with my suggestions.
回復 anxingxu701 2012-8-23 09:45
回復 貝殼姑娘 2012-8-24 00:31
ironrooster: Freezer is cold but refrigerator isn't on a 5-yo unit. My guess are:

1. fan isn't blowing cold air to the fridge/right side.
2. the air diffuser isn' ...
回復 貝殼姑娘 2012-8-24 00:32
anxingxu701: 冰箱分直冷式和間冷式,美國的冰箱大多是間冷式,它的冷凝器有化霜裝置,是用加熱的方式進行化霜,前面幾位村友的電熱絲斷路說法可能是正確的,也有可能是化霜感 ...
回復 ironrooster 2012-8-24 01:57
Just like me, now you know enough to be dangerous.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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