
離別 (英雄雙行體)-- 和葉慧秀"先生,我悄悄地走了"

作者:brav  於 2012-6-28 03:32 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:屈原, 詩歌, 慧秀


發表評論 評論 (50 個評論)

回復 brav 2012-6-28 07:43
greenworld: 你的英文詩總能給人另一種韻味!
回復 早安太陽 2012-6-28 08:14
brav: 英雄雙行體(Heroic Couplet)是劉麗麗和張紹剛合作開創的一種英文詩歌體, 就是兩句一行, 兩行一壓韻的短句子。 網上常見的例子如:

O could I flow like thee, ...
回復 brav 2012-6-28 08:22
早安太陽: 看不懂,不過謝謝了還是!玩開心
這些古英語, 偶也不懂,
but not prevent us from chasing fun  
回復 mosville 2012-6-28 08:23
回復 brav 2012-6-28 08:23
mosville: 歡迎回來,大家都很想念你!
Thanks my sister. all best to you.
回復 mosville 2012-6-28 08:29
回復 看得開 2012-6-28 08:42
回復 hanfeng109 2012-6-28 08:59
brav: Thanks my bro. as you know 屈原是中國戰國時期最偉大的詩人之一, 英雄雙行體不在話下。
回復 mayimayi 2012-6-28 09:17
beautiful  poem in English !!!

I am almost a blind to Chinese Poem, and so to English Poem

But, my feeling is so good to see this English poem by a Chinese from village of BackChina.
write more poems both  in  Chinese and in English, Please !!!
They would brighten and entertain the whole Village a lot !
回復 greenworld 2012-6-28 10:28
brav: 希望能寫出一點意境哈。
Yes, you did.
回復 tiemei 2012-6-28 10:31
Dedicated to both of you

If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you.
When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me.

Little drops of rain whisper of the pain, tears of loves lost in the days gone by.
My love is strong, with you there is no wrong,
together we shall go until we die.

An inspiration is what you are to me, inspiration, look... see.

And so today, my world it smiles, your hand in mine, we walk the miles,
Thanks to you it will be done, for you to me are the only one.
Happiness, no more be sad, happiness....I'm glad.

Thank You by Led Zeppelin
回復 yulinw 2012-6-28 10:58
回復 brav 2012-6-28 11:20
看得開:    歡迎回來,大家都很想念你!(ZT)
missing too my friend.
回復 brav 2012-6-28 11:22
mayimayi: beautiful  poem in English !!!

I am almost a blind to Chinese Poem, and so to English Poem

But, my feeling is so good to see this English poem by a  ...
Thank you very much for your encouragement. I'll do my best to write as many as possible to bring the joy and happiness to you all.
回復 brav 2012-6-28 11:22
yulinw:    高興見你回來~~
Thank you very much my sister,  missing you.
回復 brav 2012-6-28 11:22
tiemei: Dedicated to both of you

If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you.
When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me. ...
The song is so touching. Thank you so much for introducing it to me. The best.
回復 無為村姑 2012-6-28 11:38
回復 yulinw 2012-6-28 14:23
brav: Thank you very much my sister,  missing you.
回復 fressack 2012-6-28 15:29
回復 豬扒戒 2012-6-28 15:45

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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