

作者:白露為霜  於 2011-7-16 01:51 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 白露為霜 2011-7-16 13:31
有關政府的 LOAN 或 PRIVATE LOAN,借錢要還得外加利息。所以只應在不得已的時候才使用。另外有些政府的GRANT如Pell Grant,收入高一點就拿不到。對中產階級沒什麼用。
回復 有禾信望 2011-7-16 13:54
回復 yulinw 2011-7-16 14:07
方方頭: 將來他幫我買房子還差不多
回復 方方頭 2011-7-16 14:15
回復 閑散人生 2011-7-16 21:45

回復 白露為霜 2011-7-16 22:20
閑散人生: 「我建議大家每個孩子存20萬。」

回復 snakek 2011-7-17 08:49
回復 白露為霜 2011-7-17 10:48
snakek: 個人認為父母為子女做得太多,反而害了子女。所謂名校真的那麼重要?不見得。其實教育變成產業化,是當前所有資本主義國家(包括中國在內)最大的弊病之一。當初 ...
回復 看得開 2011-7-17 12:18
回復 Giada 2011-7-17 13:02
回復 wcat 2011-7-20 22:04
Giada: 沒辦法,學費永遠也攢不夠。
多生幾個 你們加州不有一胎生八個嗎?生了以後就有人管了。   
回復 白露為霜 2011-7-20 22:45
wcat: 多生幾個 你們加州不有一胎生八個嗎?生了以後就有人管了。    
回復 Giada 2011-7-22 11:49
wcat: 多生幾個 你們加州不有一胎生八個嗎?生了以後就有人管了。    
回復 wcat 2011-7-22 20:55
Giada: 她生得動,我生不動啊,你以為很容易嗎?
回復 白露為霜 2011-7-22 22:57
回復 seanleeforever 2011-7-23 02:59
i don't know man... THAT MUCH?
okay, i came to U.S. in year 2000 starting from highschool. tuition was about 10 dollars per semester (public high). total tuition cost for 4 years was less than 1000 dollars (summer school cost about 200 dollars or so, books were free since you borrow them from library).
then i went to UCI, tuition was about 7000 dollar per year not including summer school. i took about 17 units per quarter on average (not difficult to do at all, as long as you party less and study more), and graduate in 3 year + 1 quarter with EE degree. total cost of tuition was about 7000*3+2000 =22k, with fellowship award and scholarship and federal education loan (5000+6000+5000), the cost of my parents was 22k-16k=5k. of course you have to add living cost, which wasn't cheap at all @ irvine. i believe rental was about 400~600 dollars per month so that about 22k for rental+food+other cost. but I also worked at the same time (as tutor, make 11 dollar per hour) so that covers part of the cost.

and you really shouldn't pay for gradschool (unless your child major in pre-med or those things), there are a lot of scholarship out there for grad school. personally i get full scholarship for USC and UCLA (went to USC instead). i believe it was something like 4k per class  (1.3k per unit, 3 unit per class) at USC if i were to pay. so 9 classes @ 4k each is 36k.

so here is your math. assuming no scholarship or fellowship or loan, you expect to pay 1k for public high school, 40k for public University, 36k for grad school. that is less than 80k. + 6 years of living

why the hell do you need 200k for? are you telling me you kid needs 20k to spend on food+dorm+party per year?

this number is so retarded i don't even know where to start
回復 白露為霜 2011-7-23 03:22
seanleeforever: 20-25萬
i don't know man... THAT MUCH?
okay, i came to U.S. in year 2000 starting from highschool. tuition was about 10 dollars per semester (public  ...
check out the webpage of UCLA:


total budget for living on compus is $31,544 for 2011-2012. $54,422 for out-of-state student.

我不太知道你的情況。你拿到不少fellowship, scholarship。我講的是中產階級的情況:我女兒被Berkeley 和 UCLA錄取。一分錢都沒有。Federal Loan,Pell Grant and Cal Grant 都拿不到。最後去了哈佛。哈佛比UC還便宜。

回復 seanleeforever 2011-7-23 04:15
白露為霜: check out the webpage of UCLA:


total budget for living on compus is $31,544 for 2011-2012. $54,42 ...
my suggestion is that: don't read into those data too much.
take USC as example

read it, it shows a whopping 60,801 for ONE YEAR. LOLZ.

and true enough, for international students, USC will ask you to have 120k in your financial report for your student visa to be even considered (how did i know? ask my wife).

but if you keep reading, the engineering degree only cost you 1.5k per unit, you take 9 class to get your M.S. degree so that cost you less than 45k for the degree. and people should have no problem complete their MS in 2 years (heck.. i complete MS in 2 years when i had a full time job), so 2 years of room/food should cost you less than 20k. TOTAL for the cost is 65k no where near 120k advertised on the webpage.

i think you made a great choice for your child. my experience is that a private school student has a lot more opportunity to get scholarship than their public school counter part. you should drop your hope on anything Grant, but try federal loan, i think the loan i had was one that i didn't have to pay interest as long as i am in school. i pretty much get free money for few years and it felt great.

anyway, the price listed on the webpage is just to show how much it COULD cost you, not how much it WILL cost you. a friend of mine get 4 degrees (EE. physics, math, CS) in 4 years and cost him no more than most people who get 1 degrees in 4 years. you should really take those number with a grain of salt.

and i have no idea how a middle class supposed to save a quarter million dollars.. sorry i just having a hard time imaging that. do you know average pay @ CA is 55k a year according to IRS? ya... it is much easier to have your child work harder and graduate 1 year sooner than you making another 60k (or 80k per tax).
回復 白露為霜 2011-7-23 04:32
seanleeforever: my suggestion is that: don't read into those data too much.
take USC as example

read it, it s ...
" anyway, the price listed on the webpage is just to show how much it COULD cost you, not how much it WILL cost you.  "

Fair enough. You really don't know how much it will cost you until you are through. But when you do the budget for kids, you can't assume that everything will go your way. More often than not, something happens and it ends up over the budget. So keep on saving. If you are successful, you will need a lot of money for your child's education.   
回復 Giada 2011-7-24 12:30
wcat: 只要你下定決心,沒有辦不到的

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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