

作者:三Y老豆  於 2011-4-6 10:48 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 三Y老豆 2011-5-26 13:48
smartman: anyway, it is still cheaper than ny city's.
回復 smartman 2011-5-26 23:52
三Y老豆: 紐約唐人街的菜價也應該便宜
don't go to NYC chinatown very often.  but overall, i found NYC's price slightly above SF's price.

For example, green oinion 3 bunches for $1 (versus your price $0.29 each). For the well-cooked duck, NYC Chinatown $10.99 (lowest) and usually $14.99 but yours $9.99.

that said, NYC beef tendon $2.99 (lowest) and yours $3.69.
回復 三Y老豆 2011-5-27 01:20
smartman: don't go to NYC chinatown very often.  but overall, i found NYC's price slightly above SF's price.

For example, green oinion 3 bunches for $1 (versus ...
回復 smartman 2011-5-27 02:08
三Y老豆: 因為紐約的時薪工資比三藩市高
I can hardly agree.  have no data to support the salary comparison b/t NY and SF.  most people thought Wall Street are richer.  But the average NYers' salary is still unclear.

What I can say is that, the living expense adjustment set up by Federal Government in SF is much higher than NY.  SF has 45% while NY has 32%.  That means, living in SF costs 13% (45-32) more than living in NY.  The 45% and 32% data are in fed gov website.

That said, my understanding is, the 13% difference should include  prices for food, energy and housing and everything, I think.  Still, I am not sure of the 13%.  Can you explain why living in SF is 13% higher than living in NY?
回復 三Y老豆 2011-5-27 02:55
smartman: I can hardly agree.  have no data to support the salary comparison b/t NY and SF.  most people thought Wall Street are richer.  But the average NYers' ...
回復 smartman 2011-5-27 08:10
New York State Minimum Wage is $7.25/Hour.  I don't think NY City sets up a limit.  That is why SF living expense adjustment is 45% while NYC is 32%.

9.75/7.25 = 1.345 and 45%/32% = 1.406.
1 ...345

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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