

作者:海攀  於 2011-7-28 22:31 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 smartman 2011-7-29 11:36
FZM: Thank you! i found what you posted are almost what I want to say.
i am so glad to know we see eye to eye with each other.  shake hands, buddy!

i am not good myself at typing chinese.  but please feel free to write chinese to me.
回復 nnzzll 2011-7-29 12:02
海攀: 「官官相護」,一般教授不願挖別的教授的牆角。
回復 nnzzll 2011-7-29 12:15
smartman: gee, i love reading your insightful comments.  i am so happy to find your forecast matches mine in general.

how about we make a tentative memorandum: ...

回復 smartman 2011-7-29 12:15
nnzzll: 正是。而且即使他畢業了,由於這個問題,他很可能找不到研究機構的工作。美國也不全是看能力的,更何況能力是要人來『評價』的。
job search is a different story.  if he graduates with a phd, bartman won't have much influence on his job search.  US academic world is generally fair.
回復 smartman 2011-7-29 12:20
nnzzll: Bartman自己曾經做過PHD,非常了解他們及其家屬的心情。我覺得海攀這裡寫的稍微『簡陋』了一些。即,Bartman誘惑Yang其實不只是表面看到的這樣簡單,有很多黯默方 ...
that is the trick or tactics a man uses to run after a woman.  the method is nothing right or wrong.  the person may be wrong, pending on his intention and availability.
回復 nnzzll 2011-7-29 12:29
smartman: job search is a different story.  if he graduates with a phd, bartman won't have much influence on his job search.  US academic world is generally fai ...
回復 smartman 2011-7-29 12:54
nnzzll: 這說明你不了解研究這個行業,異想天開。
我問你,就算你有了研究成果,是由誰來評價?答案是,Bartman和他一個圈子的人。就像Zheng當時是憑什麼能當他的弟子,上 ...
hahahaha, not sure whether i should call you naiive or lovable.   

phd advisors' recommendations mostly focus on the student's potentials and personalities, his attitude, his smartness and creativities.  the student research paper quality is self-represented by the publication itself -- first, on which journal it was published, especially peer-reviewed; second, the school you applied most likely have professors in your areas and they are experts, of course, capable of juding your research quality.

a phd advisor can NEVER exaggerate his student research paper's quality.  actually, he did not really need to mention or evaulate his student research paper's quality at all in his letter.  the academic community knows its value for sure.  what an advisor can emphasize is: his student completed his paper quickly in 3 months, published 8 papers in one year, etc.  in this case, he is helping his student.

bartman believes in liang's letter that 1. emphasized zheng has extra potential in academic research, and, 2. his potential was not well represented by his low-GPA transcript.  bartmen trusted liang's evaluation because he trusted liang's judgement.
回復 BL_518 2011-7-29 13:04
rongrongrong: 鄭衛,這就對了,自己趕緊該幹嘛幹嘛去
回復 BL_518 2011-7-29 13:07
回復 nnzzll 2011-7-29 13:08
smartman: "這說明你不了解研究這個行業,異想天開。"
hahahaha, not sure whether i should call you naiive or lovable.   

phd advisors' recomm ...

回復 smartman 2011-7-29 14:06
nnzzll: 你也承認了。評價的尺度不一定都是成績等等客觀的成績。所謂的『有研究能力』,最後還是要靠評價的人的主觀看法。
更改自己學生的成果是犯罪,老油條的Bartman才 ...
looks like i can't call you naiive or loveable.  can i call you stubborn?   

..."我問你,就算你有了研究成果,是由誰來評價?答案是,Bartman和他一個圈子的人。"... -- this is COMPLETELY wrong!  a phd research quality is not judged by his advisor.  academic community knows its value.

..."更改自己學生的成果是犯罪"... -- how come you brought out this weird idea?  there is NO WAY any advisor or anybody can 更改自己學生的成果.  學生的成果 is fully represented by his research paper.  it is a published paper.  in the public archive.  NOBOYD CAN, IN NO WAY, CHANGE IT.  again, it does NOT need Bartman to evaluate.

..."很多時候,有些人為什麼會衝動到殺了對方呢。"... -- that is because a student felt mistreated and he was not given an equal opportunity to develop his potential.  the student was in his early stage.  if he has already developed his potential with quality papers,  there is NO WAY his professor could mistreat him.  he can easily find another better place as long as he has produced quality paper.

"有兩個實力相當的人同時應徵一個位子" -- WRONG ASSUMPTION!  WRONG QUESTION!  you made a serious mistake in your assumption.  your statement only applies to a student applying for phd program, BUT NOT FOR PHDS APPLYING FOR PROFESSORIAL POSITIONS.  when zheng applied for Harvard, he was evalued based on Liang's judgement on his potential, i.e., based on Liang's perception on his 實力.  when Zheng finishes his phd and applies for professor positions, he was evalued on his 研究成果 not on his 實力!   so, you should change your statement into "有兩個研究成果相當的人同時應徵一個位子"!  in this case, bartman's recommendation will make a difference.  that is why I said, bartman does not have too much influence.

look at what you said, "所謂的『有研究能力』,最後還是要靠評價的人的主觀看法。"  that is for student applicants into a phd program.  NOT FOR PHDs applying for professorship.

I know where and why you are wrong.  You did not realize the difference in evaulating a phd applicant and evaluating a phd applying for professorship.

In summary:
1. a phd is expected to have already demonstrated his potential (研究能力) and produced his 研究成果, at least initial stage 研究成果.  So, we no longer focus on evaluating his potential (研究能力), rather, we focus on evaluating his 研究成果.  therefore, the evalution is relatively subjective.  Because his 研究成果 is self-represented and can be subjectively evaluated, his advisor can not help too much.

2. a professor can help a lot for a phd applicant (as liang for zheng), because the student has not produced his 研究成果.  so, the evaluation is pretty much objective, pending on the a professor's personal judgement to gauge a student's potential (研究能力).

hope you can understand now.  if so, looks like I am a better person than you to assume the the position of "Director, Department of Women Enmacipation and Reeducation".   

"別說什麼中國不公平,美國才公平這種騙人的鬼話。"-- you have not stayed in academic community so you jumped into the conclusion so quickly.  it is widely accepted that US academic research community is a much better and generally fair place for scholars.  it does take me to defend.  most professors agree, regardless a Chinese professor or a US professor.
on second thoughts, i found where you are wrong:
Q1: 我問你,就算你有了研究成果,是由誰來評價?答案是,Bartman和他一個圈子的人。

Q2: 就像Zheng當時是憑什麼能當他的弟子,上王冠呢?

you said, Q1 and Q2 are similar (就像).  that is your biggest mistake.

NO.  This is totally different!  Q1 and Q2 are completely 不像!
回復 nnzzll 2011-7-29 14:24
smartman: looks like i can't call you naiive or loveable.  can i call you stubborn?   

..."我問你,就算你有了研究成果,是由誰來評價?答案是,Bart ...
回復 smartman 2011-7-29 14:39
nnzzll: 看來你太迂腐了,也很天真,邏輯也很冠冕堂皇,但是沒有任何的實質的道理。最重要的是,你不願意麵對現實。比你成功的女人有很多,別小瞧女人。當然,你也可以放 ...
look, i was correct to call you stubborn.

if you hold a phd and had ever applied for or assumed a professor position in a research university, you would then know the reality.  that is a completely different world you have never entered.  you can't jump into conclusion.

this has nothing to do with 成功 or failure.  it is just a different world and different experience.  that is all.  if a person is familiar with or stayed there before, it does not mean he or she is 成功.  on the other hand, if a person has never stayed there or is unfamiliar with there, it does not mean he or she is a failure.
回復 nnzzll 2011-7-29 16:08
smartman: look, i was correct to call you stubborn.

if you hold a phd and had ever applied for or assumed a professor position in a research university, you wo ...



回復 smartman 2011-7-29 16:40
nnzzll: 呵呵,所以說,你還不知道人家的遊戲規則是什麼。你還太單純,想當然的東西在你腦海里太多了。沒辦法,誰讓你還是在校學生,理解不了社會上的事情。

『成功』有 ...
how do you know i am a student?  where did you get this info?

-- do I belong to 在國外進入『主流』的人士?  who is eligible?  what is your criterion?
回復 nnzzll 2011-7-29 17:18
smartman: how do you know i am a student?  where did you get this info?

-- do I belong ...

回復 smartman 2011-7-29 17:32
nnzzll: 因為思想單一。

so funny!  who in the US mainstream society supports you?  please name a few.

this is a discussion of contents and topics.  not a discussion of personal assertion and student status.

if you really want to justify your viewpoint, use facts and logic.  not digress to a student status issue to justify.

even if i were a current student, it would still in no way prove your correctness.  
回復 nnzzll 2011-7-29 17:50
smartman: so funny!  who in the US mainstream society supports you?  please name a few.

this is a discussion of contents and topics.  not a discussion of perso ...
so funny的是你。


回復 smartman 2011-7-29 18:15
nnzzll: so funny的是你。

一個人的見識,不是你自己說你曾經是教授和高管人家就會信服的。很多話你一出口,人家就是知道你是不是pro。之前人家也斷定了,你就是一個學生 ...
it is not to discuss whether i am a student or not.  it is to discuss to validate your conclusions which i believe is wrong.   

"之前人家也斷定了,你就是一個學生。".  so, you know, because 之前人家也斷定了LZ is female, therefore, LZ has to be female?

can't help laughing ...   
回復 nnzzll 2011-7-29 18:44
smartman: it is not a discuss whether i am a student or not.  it is a discuss to validate your conclusions which i believe is wrong.   

"之前人家也 ...

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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