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buttly的個人空間 https://big5.backchina.com/u/283567 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]


plese help me sat up chiness wrods cuase I don't konw how to do I need pelp I wiill be happy wrting more and more funthings let frend share we happness and more my comput is old one
  • 人間的盒子: 試網上中文吧,http://www.uni-ulm.de/acssu/ime/ (9-26 07:19)
  • shaitthis: 哈哈 我可以幫你。Control Panel->Region and Language->Keyboards and Languages ->Change Keyboards->Add 然後選擇中文就可以輸入中文了。我的系統是win7,你的要是winxp的話稍有不同。 (9-26 07:22)
  • shaitthis: 需要詳細說明的話告訴我。 (9-26 07:23)
  • buttly: frist Thank evrybody friends I have winds xp befor I can use now dispeare . I have winds xp (9-29 06:46)
2010-9-26 07:05 回復|

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