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smartman的個人空間 https://big5.backchina.com/u/283098 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]


i clicked and to the page " 發表日誌".  after i posted my wrting and clicked " 保存發布 ", it got stuck.  any advice?
  • nnzzll: 你去問問管理員admin (6-6 17:54)
  • smartman: i sent the admin a request but did not get any answer.  actually, i added the admin as my friend.  thx for advice. (6-7 03:04)
  • 雪的煙花: 再試試看,注意一些選項是不是選過了 (6-12 22:21)
  • smartman: tried again.  many times already. never working.  because i am not good at typing chinese, i would not post any chinese articles even if i can.  so, it is not really useful to me. (6-14 12:40)
  • smartman: i din't mean i am not a good chinese writer.  actually i wrote a lot and published a lot.  but typing chinese is painful. so, i gave it up.  in the past, newspaper editors typed it for me.  i faxed it (6-14 12:42)
  • smartman: next time, if you go to NY, i might try to help you, if needed, as local host.  e.g., if you take amtrak, it is 3 hours (instead of 4 hrs).  cost could be as low as $49 (vs $20 bus), fairly reasonable (6-14 12:48)
2011-5-10 14:52 回復|
i tried to post an article but it seemed the website did not allowed me to do so.  any advice on how to post article here?
2011-5-10 14:47 回復|
not good at typing chinese.  in case someone is interested in typing, i can write and you help me type and post.
2011-5-4 05:30 回復|

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