

作者:真水無香紫金媛  於 2010-5-11 18:50 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 nierdaye 2010-5-14 06:48
真水無香紫金媛: I do think that he always prefer another typ massage!
foot and hand massage? it helps as well.
回復 真水無香紫金媛 2010-5-14 07:00
nierdaye: foot and hand massage? it helps as well.
You won't believe me if i say "yes"!
回復 nierdaye 2010-5-14 07:10
真水無香紫金媛: You won't believe me if i say "yes"!
u know it. Shoulder massage can also easy the pain.
回復 真水無香紫金媛 2010-5-14 07:17
nierdaye: .
u know it. Shoulder massage can also easy the pain.
打住! 全站都能看到唉。弄不好,過會兒就會有人八卦了!
回復 nierdaye 2010-5-14 07:37
真水無香紫金媛: 打住! 全站都能看到唉。弄不好,過會兒就會有人八卦了!
過會兒就會有人八卦了! hehehehe.
回復 真水無香紫金媛 2010-5-14 07:51
nierdaye: 過會兒就會有人八卦了! hehehehe.
回復 nierdaye 2010-5-14 08:18
真水無香紫金媛: 二爺,我去睡覺了,晚安!
good night!
回復 十三大爺 2010-6-3 00:47
Married men should not willfully fuck chicks, period.  That's called responsibility for God's sake.  You want freedom to bone chicks, then don't marry
回復 真水無香紫金媛 2010-6-3 01:30
十三大爺: Married men should not willfully fuck chicks, period.  That's called responsibility for God's sake.  You want freedom to bone chicks, then don't marry
Lust and restrain!
回復 十三大爺 2010-6-3 01:34
真水無香紫金媛: Lust and restrain!
Yeah this is what I have been saying all the time.  Marry someone then don't fuck around
回復 真水無香紫金媛 2010-6-3 01:41
十三大爺: Yeah this is what I have been saying all the time.  Marry someone then don't fuck around
easy to say,  not easy to do!
回復 十三大爺 2010-6-3 01:42
真水無香紫金媛: easy to say,  not easy to do!
put a wed lock on his dick, and you hold the key
回復 真水無香紫金媛 2010-6-3 01:48
十三大爺: put a wed lock on his dick, and you hold the key
come on,  there are a lot of ways!
回復 十三大爺 2010-6-3 01:51
真水無香紫金媛: come on,  there are a lot of ways!
Tell me how you would immobilize a guy's dick?  i am curious
回復 真水無香紫金媛 2010-6-3 02:03
十三大爺: Tell me how you would immobilize a guy's dick?  i am curious
don't talk out of the door! you could make me to become Pan jin lian if i answer you continuely!
回復 十三大爺 2010-6-3 02:21
真水無香紫金媛: don't talk out of the door! you could make me to become Pan jin lian if i answer you continuely!
Oh God, then I am breaking my moral code.  I respect your family and have no intention to hurt that in any way.  Let's be Platonic friends then

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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