

作者:roaming  於 2010-12-5 09:47 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 nancyzhang 2010-12-6 01:30
珍曼:    吃著盤裡的想著鍋里的呵...
回復 Matney 2010-12-6 01:52
回復 fanlaifuqu 2010-12-6 02:52
回復 珍曼 2010-12-6 03:45
nancyzhang: 嘿嘿,有道理!就是LZ說的:「人們總是在跟自己過不去似地為自己找一些本不應該屬於自己的煩惱,這說明人們還是有不少閑功夫來為自己製造煩惱的。」
回復 xqw63 2010-12-6 05:35
roaming: 哪裡,你知道我這人,一天到晚都是沒太正經,瞎侃!
回復 roaming 2010-12-6 07:54
珍曼:    吃著盤裡的想著鍋里的呵...
回復 roaming 2010-12-6 07:54
hu18: 銅燈比暗。
回復 roaming 2010-12-6 07:55
九畹: 可憐的孩子~家園永遠在彼岸啊
回復 roaming 2010-12-6 07:55
Matney: 記得有一首歌「我想有個家」,這種感覺是我剛來美國的時候,站在海邊,總是對自己說,對面就是我的家,多希望成為一條魚或者是一隻鳥兒。其實家真的就在心裡。
回復 roaming 2010-12-6 07:56
fanlaifuqu: 此岸,彼岸,兩岸(非台灣海峽兩岸)皆家園!
回復 roaming 2010-12-6 07:56
xqw63: 這會很正經呢
回復 杏林一虹 2010-12-6 08:11
回復 roaming 2010-12-6 08:15
杏林一虹: 想你時你在天邊,想你時你在眼前
回復 杏林一虹 2010-12-6 08:16
roaming: 理解得很透徹啊!
回復 roaming 2010-12-6 08:23
杏林一虹: 《傳奇》的歌詞
回復 杏林一虹 2010-12-6 08:24
roaming: 怪不得!   
回復 以後彩虹 2010-12-6 08:30
roaming: 9494
回復 九畹 2010-12-6 12:11
roaming: 是好可憐的!
回復 yuki-1217 2010-12-6 13:31
回復 newyorker92 2010-12-6 23:57
The township of Canton was created by act of the Michigan Territorial Legislature on March 7, 1834 out of what had been Plymouth Township. It was named after the city of Canton in China. The name was chosen for the purpose of not conflicting with the name of any post office in existence at the time. At the time, there was a territorial law from April 12, 1827, prohibiting the incorporation of any new township having the same name as any existing post office. However, on October 20, 1829, the legislature had passed legislation creating the townships of Lima and Richland out of Bucklin Township. Governor Lewis Cass returned the acts unapproved, citing a conflict under the law. The legislature thus had to substitute the names of Nankin and Pekin after the cities of Nanking and Peking in China. Although the name of Pekin was changed to Redford in 1833, apparently when naming Canton, the legislature decided to continue having at least two townships named for Chinese cities.

The first meeting to organize the township was held in April, 1834. Canton is near Detroit and has a rapidly increasing population.

In the summer of 2002, emerald ash borer was discovered in Canton.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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