

作者:Cannaa  於 2012-2-26 09:19 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞: 精神科


發表評論 評論 (62 個評論)

回復 Cannaa 2012-2-26 23:46
yerrr: 我在工作生活中也見過很多比國內還下三濫多得多的老外,但是取人性命就萬萬不該了。實在氣不過請混混教訓一頓半黑也就罷了。終歸還是自己處世太幼稚。
回復 Cannaa 2012-2-26 23:47
miyatacn: 難道非要在一個樹上弔死,做過界的事情總是會被人踢出去的?為了當年的快感,自己認了吧。
回復 Cannaa 2012-2-26 23:48
天涯煮婦: 同意你的觀點!同情他的妻子小孩,王只是一個脆弱的,自私的,沒有責任感的男人。
回復 Cannaa 2012-2-26 23:50
yunmu: 取人性命之事萬萬不可為,但人被逼瘋時可能不意識自殺或殺他的嚴重性。似乎找中國的精神病學有名醫生參與更好!特別是那些著作等身的。王醫生以前工作的中國醫學 ...
回復 笙簫難默 2012-2-26 23:51
qyed: 每個人想法不見得一樣,應該允許,不能強求的。
謝謝好醫生的幫助 ...
回復 cooldoc 2012-2-27 00:49
I was a resident in internal medicine 20 years ago, one of the very early Chinese immigrant doctors.  I already finished a medical residency in Shanghai and had to start all over again in US.  I suffered a lot of "discrimination".  My medical training and my work experience later on was never easy nor smooth.  At times, I felt everybody was against me and I even wanted to "做掉" certain people. But I never did.  」退一步海擴天空「。  Today, many people consider I am successful.  After many years of hard work, I now enjoy my financial independence.  I don't have to report to anybody (except my family members).  I work only part time (b/c I enjoy it).  Thinking back, I think a lot of my sufferings were self-inflicted.  It was because of my own attitude.  I felt I knew it all.  I have to admit that America, overall, is very fair.  I can't say that I was discriminated.  I believe there is more discrimination in China than in US.  In America, you have to prove yourself (yes, we Chinese may have to work harder).  Everybody: let's have more love and less hatred.  Try to look at ourselves to see how we can improve ourselves before we blame others.  This is the essence of our beautiful Chinese culture.  

Dr. R. Cheng
回復 卉櫻果 2012-2-27 01:11
天涯煮婦: 同意你的觀點!同情他的妻子小孩,王只是一個脆弱的,自私的,沒有責任感的男人。
回復 Cannaa 2012-2-27 01:49
cooldoc: I was a resident in internal medicine 20 years ago, one of the very early Chinese immigrant doctors.  I already finished a medical residency in Shangh ...
What about Danny Chen? Was his suffering himself-inflicted?
回復 亦云 2012-2-27 01:54
Cannaa: 嚴於律己確實是中國人的毛病。反抗霸凌的行為是不分中外的。
回復 Cannaa 2012-2-27 02:05
亦云: 嚴以律己為何能夠等同於毛病呢?    
反抗欺凌要有禮有節的,要在能夠保護家人和自己的前提下,自己能夠獲得最大利益的時候,不要鼓勵暴力手段,磨 ...
回復 Cannaa 2012-2-27 02:07
綱舉目張: 看不懂你是在說真心話還是在挖苦.我是好心建議而已,請你不要把好心當成驢肝肺.再說一遍,我不喜歡這些無聊的爭論.從他寫的東西,就可以看出他為自己辯護的時候要吃 ...
回復 律師 2012-2-27 03:58
cooldoc: I was a resident in internal medicine 20 years ago, one of the very early Chinese immigrant doctors.  I already finished a medical residency in Shangh ...
If one of your patient survived his cancer for five years, can you say to your other cancer patients: "Don't worry, you are going to survive for five years."?

I prayed five times and I lost five pounds, see "God is Great."
回復 yunmu 2012-2-27 04:12
cooldoc: I was a resident in internal medicine 20 years ago, one of the very early Chinese immigrant doctors.  I already finished a medical residency in Shangh ...
I feel very pity for some of my fellow Chineses, when  they have survived the harassment and discrimination, they also hope that others tolerate the harassment and discrimination.
回復 Cannaa 2012-2-27 04:25
yunmu: I feel very pity for some of my fellow Chineses, when  they have survived the harassment and discrimination, they also hope that others tolerate the h ...
exactly! they suffered and than became "successful". They feel they are superior than others.
回復 天涯煮婦 2012-2-27 08:33
No, 王立山。
回復 ofox 2012-2-27 19:56
新手登陸: 哈哈哈,還有這種事?
回復 馬拉泰斯塔 2012-3-3 09:37
回復 Cannaa 2012-3-3 09:44
馬拉泰斯塔: 如果有可能,王現在也許需要家人或者親友幫他請個私人律師,看他好象挺以自我為中心的,不知有沒有患間歇性迫害妄想症的可能。
who's going to pay a personal attorney for him?
回復 馬拉泰斯塔 2012-3-3 10:12
Cannaa: who's going to pay a personal attorney for him?
回復 Cannaa 2012-3-3 10:16
馬拉泰斯塔: 如果這樣的話,感覺他需要一個代理,可以是家人,親屬,朋友,或者華人律師?由他們出面來給法官提要求和聯繫專業人士。

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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