

作者:浪寬  於 2011-11-3 01:53 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 qxw66 2011-11-3 13:17
回復 qxw66 2011-11-3 13:45
pengl: 數學能力是差。咱一朋友在一所全美排名60幾名的大學當經濟系助教(經濟系學生數學一般不會太差,因為需要學習公式推理計算),發現有些學生 1/2 + 1/3 = 2/5.
回復 pengl 2011-11-3 13:58
qxw66: 和中國農民可以一拼,偶買蟹,要2元一斤,偶給他1.5元一斤買身體,0.5元買腳,丫想,身體大重,划算,答應了。。。
回復 老君岩 2011-11-3 15:09
回復 冷劍孤虹 2011-11-3 17:47
Charlie2003: 如果你去過貴族學校就知道在歐洲甚至是加拿大不是那麼easy的,美國大學寬進嚴出,淘汰率高;歐洲也是一樣。但是我要部分同意這個印度人的觀點,歐洲北美大部分學校 ...
朋友的孩子在英國一所較好大學學物理,第一年去補考, 考場里都是亞洲人和黑人,很讓人吃驚。本以為亞洲人會比白人science 好。
回復 sousuo 2011-11-3 22:41
回復 亦云 2011-11-3 22:47
浪寬: 哈哈,這個雷人。
回復 亦云 2011-11-3 22:48
light12: 我女兒上學好辛苦,看她好可憐啊。學好不easy
回復 light12 2011-11-3 22:57
亦云: 語言功底,思維習慣的差異,背景支持的欠缺!!慢慢就會好的!
回復 smartman 2011-11-4 00:45
RNSandi: 有本書叫」the deliberate dumbing down of america" 值得一看

美國大眾越來越蠢,但upper classes還是那麼精
there are a small group of white elites who are really smart and advanced.  on average, americans are lazy with below average math skills.
回復 smartman 2011-11-4 00:47
pengl: 數學能力是差。咱一朋友在一所全美排名60幾名的大學當經濟系助教(經濟系學生數學一般不會太差,因為需要學習公式推理計算),發現有些學生 1/2 + 1/3 = 2/5.
yes, it happens for freshmen in top 30 public schools.  but it could  hardly happen in top 3 engineering schools.
回復 smartman 2011-11-4 00:49
白露為霜: 我贊同這一觀點。到了大學,特別是好大學,美國要難讀。
because these professors never care about whether you understand or can follow up.  they simply teach and test by their high standards.

that is why best US schools enjoy best reputations!
回復 smartman 2011-11-4 00:51

the same situation applies to china.  so being easy in US saves the entire society lots of time, energy and cost, too.
回復 pengl 2011-11-4 00:55
smartman: yes, it happens for freshmen in top 30 public schools.  but it could  hardly happen in top 3 engineering schools.
though lots of students in the top 3 engineering schools are from abroad ...
回復 Charlie2003 2011-11-4 00:55
冷劍孤虹: 朋友的孩子在英國一所較好大學學物理,第一年去補考, 考場里都是亞洲人和黑人,很讓人吃驚。本以為亞洲人會比白人science 好。
回復 arfeifei 2011-11-4 00:57
回復 smartman 2011-11-4 01:09
pengl: though lots of students in the top 3 engineering schools are from abroad ...
yes, you are right.

smart, best whites do to med, law or biz schools.  only a very small percentage of whites who really loves math/sciences go to the engineering schools.

at US grad schools, i did find some smart white classmates, not many, because foreign students are the majority at these US grad schools.
回復 pengl 2011-11-4 01:32
smartman: yes, you are right.

smart, best whites do to med, law or biz schools.  only a very small percentage of whites who really loves math/sciences go to th ...
Talking about math capability, most Asian students can surely call themselves "smartmen".    

Despite of the above fact, most of us would end up as white-collar workers instead of executives/GMs.
回復 smartman 2011-11-4 01:40
pengl: Talking about math capability, most Asian students can surely call themselves "smartmen".    

Despite of the above fact, most of ...
yes, that is a pity.  it is widely viewed that this is their country not our country, so we immigrants have to work for them but for us.  it takes a long, long way to change it.  gary locke and his ancestors spent over 100 years.
回復 浪寬 2011-11-4 01:43
tangremax: 把它寄給obm.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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