

作者:十三大爺  於 2010-4-22 11:41 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 十三大爺 2010-4-23 05:13
marnifan: 哦呵呵~are you saying you are a player at heart?
A player at heart?  Not sure what you exactly meant.
回復 marnifan 2010-4-23 07:56
你十三大爺: A player at heart?  Not sure what you exactly meant.
就素花心大蘿蔔啦~~commitment pho~~
回復 十三大爺 2010-4-23 09:29
marnifan: 就素花心大蘿蔔啦~~commitment pho~~
God, some women just seem to have this damning sense of insecurity about men and themselves and I don't know if one can help in any way -- there got to be a genetic predisposition for that
回復 marnifan 2010-4-23 09:59
你十三大爺: God, some women just seem to have this damning sense of insecurity about men and themselves and I don't know if one can help in any way -- there got
are you trying to be funny?  you are trying too hard. take it easy.
回復 十三大爺 2010-4-23 11:16
marnifan: are you trying to be funny?  you are trying too hard. take it easy.
I am simply stating an impression or maybe a fact.  There isn't much "funny" in that.  With that said, this is really none of my business - I don't have to live with that anyway.   I want to say just the same: take it easy (on your cheaters, convicted or simply cooked up in your mind).....EASY.
回復 marnifan 2010-4-23 11:19
你十三大爺: I am simply stating an impression or maybe a fact.  There isn't much "funny" in that.  With that said, this is really none of my business -
~  seems like i've touched a nerve though. appologize for that. not my business~
回復 margo 2010-4-25 18:25
回復 goodoctor 2010-4-26 11:35
回復 十三大爺 2010-4-26 11:38
what did u find that bulldog?

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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