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十三大爺的個人空間 https://big5.backchina.com/u/260351 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]


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熱度 4上傳於 2009-6-19 09:43 (53.3 KB)

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回復 marnifan 2009-6-19 09:46
good looking family
回復 十三大爺 2009-6-19 09:47
marnifan: good looking family
Do you know who is my favorite
回復 衛靈 2009-6-19 09:48
marnifan: good looking family
yours is better.
回復 marnifan 2009-6-19 09:48
你十三大爺: Do you know who is my favorite
why don't you just tell me?
回復 marnifan 2009-6-19 09:49
衛靈: yours is better.
回復 十三大爺 2009-6-19 09:52
marnifan: why don't you just tell me?
Princess Victoria who stands in the middle.  I was told that she even studied at Yale.  God, I was so damn close to a raging hot princess...
回復 marnifan 2009-6-19 09:54
你十三大爺: Princess Victoria who stands in the middle.  I was told that she even studied at Yale.  God, I was so damn close to a raging hot princess...
missed your chance.
回復 marnifan 2009-6-19 09:54
你十三大爺: Princess Victoria who stands in the middle.  I was told that she even studied at Yale.  God, I was so damn close to a raging hot princess...
her tan is so fake though. maybe it's the color of your picture.
回復 十三大爺 2009-6-19 10:05
marnifan: her tan is so fake though. maybe it's the color of your picture.
You are so good that you can tell that is fake tan.  It looked so real to me
回復 marnifan 2009-6-19 10:08
你十三大爺: You are so good that you can tell that is fake tan.  It looked so real to me
maybe you are right, she actually looks sun burnt.
回復 ww_719 2009-6-19 11:43
回復 雅典娜的衣櫥 2009-6-20 00:29
回復 十三大爺 2009-6-20 03:53
雅典娜的衣櫥: 你肯定喜歡中間那個,只有她是單身的。不然你要做小三才行
回復 Junkkiller 2009-6-20 06:10
你十三大爺: Princess Victoria who stands in the middle.  I was told that she even studied at Yale.  God, I was so damn close to a raging hot princess...
回復 十三大爺 2009-6-20 20:17
Junkkiller: 你和當年陳水鱉誇口他的飛機和柯林頓的飛機只有100米的距離有一比。
回復 Junkkiller 2009-6-20 21:28
你十三大爺: 我告訴你小子別來勁啊,我們學校人才濟濟,總統就出了不知多少位,敢來勁練死你。
回復 junkiejunkie1 2009-6-20 22:00
Junkkiller: "我們學校人才濟濟,總統就出了不知多少位,敢來勁練死你"就算知道總統就出了多少位,而且也練死我,又能怎樣?你不還仍是只能對那位包裝精美
回復 Junkkiller 2009-6-20 22:10
junkiejunkie1: 咦------這位仁兄眼光有點問題,明明是廉價非要說成包裝精美
回復 junkiejunkie1 2009-6-20 22:15
Junkkiller: "包裝精美"是指她的令原帖者"你十三大爺"讒涎欲滴的社會地位。並非道德操守,長相等。

回復 十三大爺 2009-6-21 05:58
Junkkiller: "我們學校人才濟濟,總統就出了不知多少位,敢來勁練死你"就算知道總統就出了多少位,而且也練死我,又能怎樣?你不還仍是只能對那位包裝精美
she is sun burnt for God's sake not 褐色。
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