

作者:qwxqwsean  於 2011-10-13 05:11 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 zhousx18 2011-10-14 09:11
回復 qwxqwsean 2011-10-14 09:48
zhousx18: 就你這麼一說,世界山好多大學都要關門了!沒大學畢業的蓋茲和喬布斯也不敢說這話!
本科學的有一點用, 研究生以上的沒啥用
回復 綱舉目張 2011-10-14 10:37
回復 qxw66 2011-10-14 12:19
smartman: do you have evidence to support your claim?
do you?
回復 qwxqwsean 2011-10-14 20:20
綱舉目張: 哈哈.9494.科研不論用手還是用腦,轉不過來彎跟學位關係不緊密.的確,很多時候崗位需要有學歷的人.但有高學歷的,笨蛋多了去了.美國的例子,聖路易斯地標的電梯;中國 ...
回復 smartman 2011-10-15 10:26
qxw66: do you?
frankly speaking, white students, especially undergrduates, at best schools are pretty smart.  many of them also work hard with great ambitions.  i used to be a TA in close touch with undergraduates and had a pretty good judgement on their knowledge and intelligence.

when you go to grad schools at those best schools, most smart whites go to law or medical or business schools.  that is why we frequently find many of our white peers are not as smart as we are when we are in engineering or science majors.

i personally hold that an advanced country does not really need many or most people to understand and approve calculus theorems to undertake most jobs.  it takes a small elite group of best brains to design and make space shuttles and nuclear weapons.  most of these elite leaders come from top 10 best schools, that may be enough.

of course, the mose well-educated people, the better.  but, arguably (i know it is controversal), that does not mean we should ask all high school students to be able to approve geomotry or trig theorems as we did in china.
回復 綱舉目張 2011-10-15 10:30
qwxqwsean: 雜交水稻怎麼也成了笨蛋的例子啦?
回復 qxw66 2011-10-15 12:41
smartman: frankly speaking, white students, especially undergrduates, at best schools are pretty smart.  many of them also work hard with great ambitions.  i us ...
回復 smartman 2011-10-15 22:07
qxw66: 白人也有厲害的,比如很多大物理學家。。。但歸根結底,東亞人平均IQ比白人高出一截。。。當然,西方衰敗的更根本原因可能還是文化。。。

this is probably right though i have never seen any scientific evidence to support.

i guess western's deterioration is due to a variety of reasons.  i believe their democractic system has inherent flaws, too.  also, their people are lazy, less educated -- that is what you pointed out.

what i disagreed with you in my previous posting is that, not all White are dump and lazy.  in a few best US schools, you will meet best Whites' brains and they are intelligent and hard-working.  however, on average, americans are less educated and, maybe, their avergage IQs are inferior to Chinese's?!
回復 qxw66 2011-10-16 00:09
smartman: 東亞人平均IQ比白人高出一截

this is probably right though i have never seen any scientific evidence to support.

i gu ...

回復 qwxqwsean 2011-10-16 01:54
smartman: frankly speaking, white students, especially undergrduates, at best schools are pretty smart.  many of them also work hard with great ambitions.  i us ...
美國的法律和醫學生也大多是笨蛋, 美國學生在中學和本科所受的訓練沒什麼挑戰性, 即使各科是A也不說明是人才。  

我在雪城大學上過三年本科, 在雪城醫學院上過半年, 雖然我不是醫學生, 但我住的宿舍和他們在一起, 和醫學生們整天見面經常說話。  我所說的美國大學生, 法學生, 醫學生, 是以他們為背景說的。

學法律的學生很多心腸不太 好, 這似乎與他們學的東西有關, 你如果和美國的律師打過交道你就知道美國律師普遍心腸壞。在他們眼裡沒有對錯好壞。
回復 qwxqwsean 2011-10-16 02:05
綱舉目張: 非也.這是低學歷解決高學歷解決不了的問題兩個例子.
培養雜交水稻, 似乎與學位高低無關。

實際上, 目前世界上所有主要的農作物和家禽家畜都是由幾千幾萬年前的大概不會寫字的原始部落的人馴化的。 原始人把幾乎所有他們能接觸到的地球上的動植物都研究了一遍, 並把能馴化的都馴化了。 現代生物學, 貌似極其先進, 但沒有馴化出更多的東西。 現代生物學只是對古人的作品潤色改進而已。你在農貿市場能買到的食物, 絕大部分是由至少幾千年以前的古人馴化的。

而且馴化的難度有些還很大, 比如中國人馴化的蘋果, 要雌雄株間隔種植, 還要嫁接。 而玉米的馴化難度也很大, 是由古印第安人完成的。  

了解了原始人的卓越成績以後, 你不會覺得現在改良水稻是了不起的事。
回復 qwxqwsean 2011-10-16 02:11
smartman: 東亞人平均IQ比白人高出一截

this is probably right though i have never seen any scientific evidence to support.

i gu ...
記得不久前有研究報告, 歐美白人平均智商是100, 中國韓國日本人的智商世界最高, 是105。  中國人的科技文化領先了世界一千多年, 不是偶然的。
回復 smartman 2011-10-16 02:51
qwxqwsean: 美國的法律和醫學生也大多是笨蛋, 美國學生在中學和本科所受的訓練沒什麼挑戰性, 即使各科是A也不說明是人才。  

我在雪城大學上過三年本科, 在雪城醫學院上 ...
sorry, i have to disagree with you.  i still have to say, i guess, you did not meet the best White law and medical school brains.  if you go to the top 5 law and medical schools, you will probably find truly smart Whites there.

did you meet with some harvard, john hopkins White med students or yale, harvard, stanford white law students or MIT, stanford White engineering students?  if you do, i bet they will change your impression.

please do not get me wrong.  i don't downgrade syracuse.  it has very good engineering and school programs.  but frankly speaking, smart Whites do not go there.  so, i won't feel surprised if at syracuse, foreign students take the lead.

as for high schools, you did not get a chance to teach the best students in best US high schools.  i used to tutor gunn junior high school students (in silicon  valley) and their problem sets are comparable to my international Olympic problem sets I did in in high school in China.  again, best high school smart Whites go to private high schools or best top 5 or 10 colleges/univs.  you can not judge if you did not really interact with them.
回復 smartman 2011-10-16 02:56
qwxqwsean: 記得不久前有研究報告, 歐美白人平均智商是100, 中國韓國日本人的智商世界最高, 是105。  中國人的科技文化領先了世界一千多年, 不是偶然的。
that is probably true.  i believe in it.
回復 smartman 2011-10-16 03:01
qxw66: 呵呵,我們看法很一致。。。西方文化破產了。。。駱家輝再偽裝為人民服務都不行。。。

but don't be overjoyed too early.

1.  駱家輝再偽裝為人民服務都不行
i disagree.  US government officials behave like that regularly.  they do not pretend to behave like that in China only.  they behave that way in US, too.

2.  China's system has bigger problems than US.  even if we trust Chinese average IQs are higher than Whites, that does not mean China is able to surpass US easily or in short term.  US has an excellent system, though not infallible, but China's system has many problems, too, maybe worst than US.

美國的華人比他們厲害多了 but when these smart Chinese return to China, they suffer or underperform.  what are the reasons?
回復 qxw66 2011-10-16 07:15
smartman: but don't be overjoyed too early.

1.  駱家輝再偽裝為人民服務都不行
i disagree.  US government officials behave like that regularly.  they do not pret ...
1 有必要偽裝,這是比軍事重要的多的文化戰略任務。O8到中國就自己打傘,別處別人打。US官員是人浮於事的蛀蟲,不是為人民服務的駱家輝。

2 中國一天天好起來,美國一天天爛下去。

美國的華人 return to China because of suffer or underperform,比如錢學森。what are the reasons?
回復 smartman 2011-10-16 10:18
qxw66: 1 有必要偽裝,這是比軍事重要的多的文化戰略任務。O8到中國就自己打傘,別處別人打。US官員是人浮於事的蛀蟲,不是為人民服務的駱家輝。

2 中國一天天好起來, ...
i said, i don't trust gary locke pretends to behave that way.  he is inherently a person of that type.

in early 1980s, Zhai Ziyang criticized chinese economists that why nobody predicted US would recover, why everyone thought 美國一天天爛下去 forever.

US has many advantages that China could hardly match.  US is a great country that embraces innovations.  US will recover within the next 10 years.  China is growing rapidly so far.  But it has many obstacles and, if it could not go on with further reform, it would fall into the same situation of lost decades as Japan did.  So, China really, really needs in-depth reform.  It is arriving at its reflection point.  The critical period is 2015 when it loses population dividends.  personally, i wish china could continue prospering as it has done in the past 30 years.  But I am really worried...

if you could remember today's discussion, watch China and US b/t 2015-2020.  If China had problems, it would begin emerging after 2015.  For US, we simply wait for next invention and innovation that could fundementally revive and thrive throughout the nation.
回復 qxw66 2011-10-16 12:15
smartman: i said, i don't trust gary locke pretends to behave that way.  he is inherently a person of that type.

in early 1980s, Zhai Ziyang ...
不必等了,20年以前美國人收入是中國人200倍,30年,300倍,50年500倍。。。 現在差不多3倍,3年後持平
回復 smartman 2011-10-16 12:53
qxw66: 不必等了,20年以前美國人收入是中國人200倍,30年,300倍,50年500倍。。。 現在差不多3倍,3年後持平
past achievements never means future success.  short-sight is dangerous.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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