
After dinner and I love you

作者:Mir  於 2009-4-16 03:38 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 Mir 2009-4-17 00:13
桑兒: Love making after dinner~飯飽思淫慾~~
I have never thought it this way. Really down graded my poem.
回復 tinydancer 2009-4-17 00:14
Mir: That is cat's job, not yours.
Nobody has assignment on that. It is my job too, correcting students' mistake.
回復 Mir 2009-4-17 00:15
桑兒: Like me, I died a week ago, but I am still alive.
What does this mean?

You failed to make a love a week ago.
You just did it this morning.
Should we interpret it this way?
回復 Mir 2009-4-17 00:17
marnifan: all women are laughing here, i think Mir is going to have a heart attack.
I have hooked myself to EKG, and get defibrillitor ready. So please do not worry about me, just laugh your head off.
回復 Mir 2009-4-17 00:19
tinydancer: Nobody has assignment on that. It is my job too, correcting students' mistake.
Shifting yourself from a psychiatrist to language teacher. What is next? A criminal court judge?
回復 桑兒 2009-4-17 00:19
Mir: I have never thought it this way. Really down graded my poem.
Yeah, if the poem has been regarded as a masterpiece, any comment would down grade it anyway.
回復 tinydancer 2009-4-17 00:19
Mir: Shifting yourself from a psychiatrist to language teacher. What is next? A criminal court judge?
Never say never...
回復 marnifan 2009-4-17 00:20
Mir: I have hooked myself to EKG, and get defibrillitor ready. So please do not worry about me, just laugh your head off.
you certainly are well prepared. am laughing all the way...
回復 Mir 2009-4-17 00:25
tinydancer: Never say never...
I hope the chance of this is as the probability for you to go through a brick wall by running yourself againt it even if we believe the quantum physics.
回復 桑兒 2009-4-17 00:27
Mir: What does this mean?

You failed to make a love a week ago.
You just did it this morning.
Should we interpret it this way?
See, there is still something out there that you don't really understand.
回復 tinydancer 2009-4-17 00:29
Mir: I hope the chance of this is as the probability for you to go through a brick wall by running yourself againt it even if we believe the quantum physi
I am not a big fan of quantum physics but a huge one of chemistry.
回復 Mir 2009-4-17 00:33
tinydancer: I am not a big fan of quantum physics but a huge one of chemistry.
How can you understand chemistry without understanding basic particles, such as ups, donws, my professor?
How can you understand the orbiting electrons without understanding Neils Bohr, or Schrodinger's cat?
回復 tinydancer 2009-4-17 00:36
Mir: How can you understand chemistry without understand basic particles, such as ups, donws, my professor?
How can you understand the orbiting electrons
Chemistry is on the higher end of what you are talking about. What about using stupid quantum physics to explain chemistry is just a hypothesis. It is no where close to the core of chemistry.
Stay to your pork. It is cold now.
回復 Mir 2009-4-17 00:37
桑兒: See, there is still something out there that you don't really understand.
No question about it.
Let me guess again. So it happened last week.  I see. You are playing Jesus yourself over the Easter weekend. Am I right this time?
回復 桑兒 2009-4-17 00:42
Mir: No question about it.
Let me guess again. So it happened last week.  I see. You are playing Jesus yourself over the Easter weekend. Am I right this
I've made my point - no need to guess or discuss it anymore.
回復 Mir 2009-4-17 00:42
tinydancer: Chemistry is on the higher end of what you are talking about. What about using stupid quantum physics to explain chemistry is just a hypothesis. It i
Do not worry about the pork. I will heat it up, toast it through, tear it apart,  dip it into a spicy sauce, before I consume it. Yum.
回復 tinydancer 2009-4-17 00:43
Mir: Do not worry about the pork. I will heat it up, toast it through, tear it apart,  dip it into a spicy sauce, before I consume it. Yum.
So what is that to do with love? We get back to the original question.
回復 Mir 2009-4-17 00:44
桑兒: I've made my point - no need to guess or discuss it anymore.
So far I have made two ladies frustrated. Hope Marnifan is the last one I need to defeat.
回復 Mir 2009-4-17 00:48
tinydancer: So what is that to do with love? We get back to the original question.
Love is all of these.
It is chemistry, psychology.
It has a lot to do with dinner.
It has something to do with heart attack.
It also has something to do with getting out of the room in a hurry and running into a brick wall.
Occasionally it goes to criminal court.
回復 桑兒 2009-4-17 00:49
Mir: So far I have made two ladies frustrated. Hope Marnifan is the last one I need to defeat.
What makes you so confident?

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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