

作者:homepeace  於 2010-3-24 08:03 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 RNSandi 2010-3-24 18:18
回復 manjing 2010-3-24 20:36
snortbsd: but it might take two hours waiting in line...

close by 12:00...
回復 snortbsd 2010-3-25 00:02
你十三大爺: Interesting.  But I don't think my demographic location qualifies me for the DC consulate.  I will try to buy an apartment in Beijing
man. buying a condo in beijing... man, very expensive...
回復 snortbsd 2010-3-25 00:04
lucie42130: 我上個月在巴黎申請2年多次的簽證,結果只給我6個月多次的,說是沒有開放對持法國護照的發2年多次簽證。
there is no 後門 here. i think it is reciprocal treatment. usa now issues long term visas for chinese citizens too, as long as you have clean records...
回復 snortbsd 2010-3-25 00:05
manjing: 那我提早去.哪有每天那麼多人呢.
i think it is like that everyday...
回復 manjing 2010-3-25 00:21
snortbsd: i think it is like that everyday...
mount rainier city and laurel belong to which district of maryland state separately?
回復 snortbsd 2010-3-25 00:35
manjing: mount rainier city and laurel belong to which district of maryland state separately?
from the map, mt. rainer city is located in dc. remember, half of dc belongs to maryland and half of dc belongs to virginia. so mt. rainer city is on the side of maryland.

laurel is a part of prince george county, between dc and baltimore...
回復 manjing 2010-3-25 00:55
snortbsd: from the map, mt. rainer city is located in dc. remember, half of dc belongs to maryland and half of dc belongs to virginia. so mt. rainer city is on
mount rainier is in maryland.... not washington dc... i need to know  what district it is .
回復 snortbsd 2010-3-25 01:13
manjing: mount rainier is in maryland.... not washington dc... i need to know  what district it is .
回復 十三大爺 2010-3-25 01:26
snortbsd: man. buying a condo in beijing... man, very expensive...
Yes very expensive
回復 snortbsd 2010-3-25 02:02
你十三大爺: Yes very expensive
could foreigners buying properties in china? you can't do that here unless you pay cash...
回復 manjing 2010-3-25 02:46
thanks !!!
回復 manjing 2010-3-25 02:47
is matin o'malley the governor of maryland?
回復 snortbsd 2010-3-25 02:59
manjing: is matin o'malley the governor of maryland?
think so...
回復 manjing 2010-3-25 03:06
snortbsd: think so...
回復 十三大爺 2010-3-25 06:30
snortbsd: could foreigners buying properties in china? you can't do that here unless you pay cash...
To be honest I dont know
回復 snortbsd 2010-3-25 06:33
manjing: is matin o'malley the governor of maryland?
actually i am @ virginia...
回復 manjing 2010-3-25 08:32
snortbsd: actually i am @ virginia...
i know it
回復 hr8888hr 2010-3-26 09:09
snortbsd: second day

want to have the visa the same day? pay extra $40... pick it up after 3:00pm
回復 hr8888hr 2010-3-26 09:12
你十三大爺: Which consulate did you go?  I went to the NY general consulate last July and one year was the best I could get.  I did ask for a two year visa thoug

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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