

作者:homepeace  於 2010-3-24 08:03 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 ww_719 2010-3-24 10:23
回復 十三大爺 2010-3-24 10:26
snortbsd: i got 2-year visa last dec.. just ask for two years visa. clerks there were quite helpful...
I tried also and was told that you need to own a property in China
回復 manjing 2010-3-24 10:26
snortbsd: second day

want to have the visa the same day? pay extra $40... pick it up after 3:00pm
回復 snortbsd 2010-3-24 10:32
你十三大爺: I tried also and was told that you need to own a property in China
me? no, i owned nothing in china....

my parents are nobodies. the only tie i am with china is that i send some money to my parents periodically.

the clerk asked how much time i would like to stay in china, i said maybe one month, she gave me three month. the visa lasts two-year.

$$$ is no longer worth that much any more...
回復 snortbsd 2010-3-24 10:33
manjing: 就是說正常第二天就拿???真的嗎??
回復 homepeace 2010-3-24 10:33
manjing: o ! 就是國務卿嘛??? 那裡面有加急的六十元的那種是嗎.我並不需要三天就拿. 兩周就好拉  .
回復 manjing 2010-3-24 10:36
homepeace: 應該有
ok. we will see
回復 manjing 2010-3-24 10:36
snortbsd: yes
so quick
回復 homepeace 2010-3-24 10:38
你十三大爺: 我剛才谷歌一下中國住日本大使館的網頁:是用英文的,給日本鬼子看最合適。看完了,告訴是不要錢嗎?其多次入境和美國護照的簽證費差的不多。你知不知道怎樣申請
回復 snortbsd 2010-3-24 10:39
manjing: so quick
but it might take two hours waiting in line...

close by 12:00...
回復 homepeace 2010-3-24 10:41
ww_719: 估計是刺激經濟,哈哈..
回復 ww_719 2010-3-24 10:42
homepeace: 共存共榮。。。。
回復 十三大爺 2010-3-24 11:22
homepeace: 持普通護照的日本公民前來中國大陸旅遊、經商、探親訪友或過境不超過15天者,可免辦簽證從中國對外國人開放口岸入境。
回復 十三大爺 2010-3-24 11:27
snortbsd: me? no, i owned nothing in china....

my parents are nobodies. the only tie i am with china is that i send some money to my parents periodical
Which consulate did you go?  I went to the NY general consulate last July and one year was the best I could get.  I did ask for a two year visa though.  It costed me about 200 bucks for a rush service plus the Metronorth train ride.  It is so fucking costly.  I wanted to lobby through 政協 國務院 for considering dual citizenship for Chinese expatriates.  I don't think the momentum is there yet.
回復 snortbsd 2010-3-24 11:34
你十三大爺: Which consulate did you go?  I went to the NY general consulate last July and one year was the best I could get.  I did ask for a two year visa thoug

i went to dc, visa center. it was crowded, has to go through security check. but once my turn, she was polite and professional. i asked for two years and that was what i got. yes, i did tell her my father just had surgery...
回復 homepeace 2010-3-24 11:43
你十三大爺: 為什麼要對鬼子優待。他們真有那麼多來中國旅遊的人能幫助我們的收入嗎?如果是還可以,不然不給鬼子。日本對中國有對等的簽證優惠嗎?
回復 naso38 2010-3-24 12:46
回復 十三大爺 2010-3-24 12:58
snortbsd: what????????????????????????????

i went to dc, visa center. it was crowded, has to go through security check. but once my turn, she was polite and p
Interesting.  But I don't think my demographic location qualifies me for the DC consulate.  I will try to buy an apartment in Beijing
回復 homepeace 2010-3-24 13:26
naso38: 中國人拿日本綠卡(永住)比美國綠卡更優遇。中國人到日本的簽證費(在同樣的滯在期間)比日本人到中國的要便宜得多。
回復 lucie42130 2010-3-24 16:32
snortbsd: i got 2-year visa last dec.. just ask for two years visa. clerks there were quite helpful...

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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