

作者:homepeace  於 2009-10-3 07:01 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 lfeich 2009-10-3 22:41
homepeace: 節日快樂哈!
U 2
回復 xqw63 2009-10-4 02:44
snortbsd: no, none of those i work with are 獨生子女.

you must be aware of saying like:"one chinese is hero, three chinese together are worms"....

回復 宜修 2009-10-4 06:55
snortbsd: could easily get hundreds killed if people stepped over each other...
important events as such sure requires well organized diciplines regardless where it may apply.
回復 snortbsd 2009-10-4 07:05
宜修: important events as such sure requires well organized diciplines regardless where it may apply.
閱兵現場沒有觀眾 is standard tone for their (western media) reports on this parade. that 解濱 just copy their idea into chinese, nothing new. obviously there are quite a few yunyuns and yunyun supporters here. they are like nagging naysayers, nothing china done would make them happy...

happy holiday!
回復 宜修 2009-10-4 07:19
snortbsd: 閱兵現場沒有觀眾 is standard tone for their (western media) reports on this parade. that 解濱 just copy their idea into chinese, nothing new. obvious
Hands and hugs!
回復 snortbsd 2009-10-4 07:23
宜修: Hands and hugs!
回復 buweizhai 2009-10-4 10:26
yuxin_9605: 真正發生什麼事情,又會出來另外的說法.

回復 buweizhai 2009-10-4 10:26
回復 homepeace 2009-10-4 15:28
buweizhai: 恭祝樓主中秋節快樂。
回復 wd6364 2009-10-5 07:13
回復 homepeace 2009-10-5 09:31
wd6364: 寫這文的起碼看了,而且還拿著放大鏡聚精會神看的.他就是個觀眾,難道不說明問題,真能做到充耳不聞,那才是道行和個性呢.
1 ...345

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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