
福島事件的真相 zt

作者:homepeace  於 2011-3-18 03:14 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 cgs5211 2011-3-18 04:39
回復 鍋蓋 2011-3-18 04:52
回復 snortbsd 2011-3-18 05:04
homepeace: 看看西方對伊朗核電站如此緊張,可見核電站和核武的密切聯繫。
i have no clues about nuclear things, but i do know that one of cited reasons for denying sales of siemens nuclear facilty to china was that it could potentially use to produce weapon grade nuclear materials. that proposed sale for the plant uses the similar technology as japanese ones:
During a recent state visit to China, German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder held discussions with Chinese government and business leaders about the proposed sale of a mothballed German mixed oxide (MOX) fuel fabrication plant to a Chinese nuclear company. The plant in question, Siemens Hanau Fuel Element Factory (Hanauer Brennelementefabrik), was completed in 1991 but never put into operation. The sale of the facility would be a financial relief to Siemens, but the deal has caused a politically charged debate between the Chancellor and his government coalition partners -- the Greens. Green Party leaders disapprove of the sale for a number of reasons, including fears that the facility could be used to produce materials for nuclear weapons.
it was quite long read, but quite educational. i have no desire to revisit my physics books so those online information is good enough for me...

回復 天天天蘭 2011-3-18 05:08
回復 snortbsd 2011-3-18 05:15
天天天蘭: 關鍵這文章的每條道理寫的都那麼淺顯易懂,琢磨琢磨好像真是那麼回事啊,讓人不信都難。只有當事人最清楚了,反正咱不懂核武,看了這文章就覺得有道理
read this: http://cns.miis.edu/stories/031212.htm

that confirms this blog, unless someone could explain to me why that sale of MOX plant to china was denied...
回復 putongren10 2011-3-18 05:16
回復 meistersinger 2011-3-18 05:18
回復 TCM 2011-3-18 05:29
回復 homepeace 2011-3-18 05:46
nika: 日本的核電站很詭秘!這是我在海南建核電站的朋友說的。
回復 homepeace 2011-3-18 05:48
cgs5211: 小鬼子自己炸自己嗎?
回復 homepeace 2011-3-18 05:50
meistersinger: 核彈這東西連北朝鮮都能做,何況日本。沒有什麼大驚小怪的。
回復 homepeace 2011-3-18 05:52
putongren10: 不過世界也得堤防,這次暴露出日本有足夠力量造出許多核彈
回復 可憐父母心 2011-3-18 06:24
homepeace: 但願不是真的
回復 homepeace 2011-3-18 06:28
可憐父母心: 可能你的希望要落空,我相信他們做得出來。現在就可以明白那個東京知事石原為什麼那麼說了。
回復 周蓉蓉 2011-3-18 06:39
可憐父母心: 可能你的希望要落空,我相信他們做得出來。現在就可以明白那個東京知事石原為什麼那麼說了。
回復 tanghan 2011-3-18 06:44
Why Japanese refuse the help from USA at beginning? Here is the reason.
回復 homepeace 2011-3-18 06:49
tanghan: Why Japanese refuse the help from USA at beginning? Here is the reason.
回復 蘭馨maggie 2011-3-18 06:56
回復 homepeace 2011-3-18 07:21
蘭馨maggie: 有道理。看來世界末日之說並不是危言聳聽。
回復 瑞典林 2011-3-18 07:22

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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