

作者:諧和。  於 2010-7-30 07:31 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




發表評論 評論 (67 個評論)

回復 ⑦十一⑦ 2010-8-14 02:00
newyorker92: you are such a fucking asshole, may God damn you every day and night.
hahaha... you are such a fucking asshole's kid, may God damn you mama every day and night. As your papa, I feel bad. I can only replaced my position so in love with your lovely wife.
回復 newyorker92 2010-8-14 05:34
⑦十一⑦: hahaha... you are such a fucking asshole's kid, may God damn you mama every day and night. As your papa, I feel bad. I can only replaced my position
Were your parents or grandparents raped by the Japanese?
回復 ⑦十一⑦ 2010-8-16 15:41
newyorker92: Were your parents or grandparents raped by the Japanese?
U dump ass called the japs to rape your grand ma? U get out of here. What a bad kid! No one wants you. No one love you. Chinese don't want you, japs don't like you, even American kicks your big fat ass. Now get out!!!!
回復 newyorker92 2010-8-17 02:15
⑦十一⑦: U dump ass called the japs to rape your grand ma?U get out of here. What a bad kid! No one wants you. No one love you. Chinese don't wa
Ass Hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck you and all your family.  I fucked your mother to give birh to you. Now you become son of bitch. I fucked the bitch who was your mother.
回復 ⑦十一⑦ 2010-9-10 00:38
newyorker92: Ass Hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck you and all your family.  I fucked your mother to give birh to you. Now you become son of bitch. I fucked the bitch
Hahaha!!! I fucked and Abused your entire ancestors families including your father on behalf of your mother fucker.
回復 newyorker92 2010-9-15 04:52
⑦十一⑦: Hahaha!!! I fucked and Abused your entire ancestors families including your father on behalf of your mother fucker.
you are such an idiot. all your family member will be damned by GOD!
回復 ManCreatedGod 2011-1-24 08:19
東方黑俠: <div class="quote"><span class="q">oneweek: 我的英文又說不好。 說我幹嘛呀。
snortbsd這個5毛老覺得他的英文好。</span></div ...
1 ...234

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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