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dycruiseli的個人空間 https://big5.backchina.com/u/236169 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]


分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:my frame of mind.2008-5-18 19 20
2008-5-19 11:25
really very bad in these days year even. [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:my clever baby. lovely baby
2007-11-29 11:40
I have a 5 years old boy. He is very clever and lovely. Yesterday i called him,他聽見岳父和岳母說現在錢不好掙了,在電話裡面給我說:外公說現在錢不好掙啰~ 使得我心裡象被突然撥動了一下的琴弦......Tearsflooding in my heart!I love him! [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:Can not open this site from China.
2007-11-27 13:19
Can not open this site from China. Who know who to open? tell me, thks! [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:beauty constructure
2007-8-23 15:35
[ ...閱讀全文 ]

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