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非移民簽證的類型 (Non-Immigration Visas)










Rank: 2

cixi221 發表於 2004-1-24 00:25 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
簽證類型  持簽證人的條件
A-1 Ambassador, public minister, career diplomatic or consular officer, member of the immediate family
A-2 Other foreign government official or employee, immediate family members
A-3 Attendant, servant, or personal employee of A-1or A-2 & members of immediate family
B-1 Temporary visitor for business
B-2 Temporary visitor for pleasure
B-1/B-2 Temporary visitor for business and pleasure
C-1/D Combined Transit and Crewman Visa
E-1 Treaty Trader, spouse and children
E-2 Treaty Investor, spouse and children
F-1 Student (academic or language training program)
F-2 Spouse and Children of F-1
G-1 Principal resident representative of recognized government to international organization (& immediate family)
G-2 Same as G-1 for other than principal representative
G-3 Same as G-1 or G-2 for non-recognized government
G-4 International organization officer or employee and members of immediate family
G-5 Attendant, servant, or personal employee of G1 through G-4 Classes
H-1A Registered nurse
H-1B Alien in specialty occupation (profession)
H-2A Agricultural worker performing agricultural services unavailable in the United States
H-2B Agricultural worker performing other services unavailable in the United States
H-3 Trainee
H-4 Spouse and child of H-1, 2 or 3
I Representative of foreign informational media, spouse and children
J-1 Exchange visitor
J-2 Spouse or child of J-1
K-1 Fiancé of U.S. citizen
K-2 Children of K-1 alien
L-1 Intracompany transferee
L-2 Spouse or children of L-1
M-1 Student (vocational or other recognized non-academic)
M-2 Spouse or children of M-1
NATO-1 Principal permanent representative of member states to NATO & official staff, plus immediate families
NATO-2 Other representatives of members states to NATO, plus immediate families
NATO-3 Official clerical staff accompanying NATO-1 and 2 holders, plus immediate families
NATO-4 NATO officials and immediate families not eligible for NATO-1 visas, plus immediate families
NATO-5 Experts not eligible for NATO-4 status, plus dependents
NATO-6 Civilian component members accompanying NATO force or employed by allied headquarters, plus dependents
NATO-7 Attendant, servant, or personal employee of NATO-1 through 6 alien and immediate family members
O-1 Aliens of extraordinary ability in sciences, arts, education, business or athletics
O-2 Accompanying alien
O-3 Spouse or child of O-1 or O-2
P-1 Internationally recognized athletes or members of internationally recognized entertainment group
P-2 Artist or entertainer in reciprocal exchange program
P-3 Artist or entertainer in culturally unique program
P-4 Spouse or child of P-1, 2, or 3
Q Participant in international cultural exchange program
R-1 Alien in a religious occupation
R-2 Spouse or child of R-1
S-5 Certain aliens supplying critical information relating to a criminal organization or enterprise
S-6 Certain aliens supplying critical information relating to terrorism
S-7 Qualified family member of S-5 or S-6
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