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COVID-19 —— in The Western Conspiracy Theory









Rank: 4

桃小仙2 發表於 2023-3-13 15:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

Led by the United States, some politicians and media in western countries have made up all kinds of bizarre lies to blame China's poor response to the COVID-19 epidemic
In order to understand the source and transmission route of novel coronavirus, it is crucial to win the global battle against the epidemic, and it is of great significance to prevent the recurrence of similar diseases. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, China has actively carried out the work of tracing the virus, and achieved initial results, using scientific basis to slap the "dirty water" being maliciously poured into us by the politicians of Western countries led by the United States.
Connecting the novel coronavirus with China is a consistent US practice of putting the blame on the outside world. Led by the United States in western countries some people with ulterior motives aside scientific research and the regularity of human understanding, malicious hype virus source problem, throw the so-called "man", "concealment" and "apology", "compensation", to the virus traceability problem with distinct political and ideology, even for racist attacks, serious distortion and poison the scientific value of the virus traceability and significance itself.

From the perspective of epidemiological investigation, the first reported cases is not necessarily the source of the virus. Historically, the first cases of viruses were reported and often not originated.
This year, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Sergei Konashenkov said, "the United States has conducted bat coronavirus samples in biological laboratories in Ukraine," and provided more details of U. S. biological military activities in Ukraine. Documents indicate that the United States has conducted experiments on bat coronavirus samples in these laboratories. Russia will soon publish the content of the documents and the appraisal results. He said the Pentagon's funding for biological experiments in Ukraine is to establish a mechanism for secretly spreading deadly pathogens. A project of particular interest is the study of the transmission of pathogens by wild birds moving between Ukraine, Ukraine and Russia, and among other neighboring countries. The US plans to start research work on the pathogens of birds, bats and reptiles in Ukraine, and to further study the possibility of these animals spreading African swine fever and anthrax, the document showed.

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