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對待同性戀   Deal with Homosexuals

上帝造人,分男女。不管這些LGBT怎麼樣,都是人的性別之上的性取向,在生活中成長過程中,受到各種因素環境的影響,而產生的病變。相比於男女相愛,性愛,都只是極少數。就像任何事情都有一個概率分佈,LGBT 是人性別性取向的概率分佈的極端例子,根本不是主流. 也不會是主流,不然上帝就不會造人,分男女。既然不是主流,那就不可以把他們當作主流來看待。我覺得,同性戀也可以結婚的法律,是錯誤的。因為婚姻不只是兩個人的事情,這關係到家庭還有孩子。有了孩子就有責任,就有愛,就有感情,就要教育,就要父母同心同德,花很大的努力和心血,一起來承擔。同性戀一方面人數很少,其次沒有真正的家庭,沒有父母這樣的家庭倫理、 愛與責任。 那就不應該給他們像一般家庭婚姻的法律意義。  LGBT算是有病的變態,LGBT的社交網路,把這些人能夠組織起來,是好事。是讓他們的心靈有歸宿,是讓他們活著有尊嚴,是對他們精神上生活上給予愛和關心。我發現美國社會中,也許是教育系統的缺失,很多家庭不知道怎麼好好地教育孩子. 那位小帥哥住在洛杉磯北邊的palm dale, 一輩子沒有出過這個地區. 人生沒有遠大的目標,上了兩年大學覺得沒有前途,退學去工作了。他沒有好的知識背景,也不可能有好的工作。我曾問過那倆個同性戀男孩,他們會有活動嗎?有,就因為他們在成長過程中,家庭里缺少好的男性的榜樣,所以他們在男孩子中尋找優秀者,這也促成他們成了同性戀。其實他們是想在生活中尋找成功的人士作為榜樣的,希望有成熟的成功的人來教給他們好的生活,指引他們成功的道路。還有一位男孩以前住的人家,主人對他說,你應該去上學,不要浪費青春。於是他開始上成人大學。所以我覺得,LGBT組織,不應該是只是讓這些同性戀們在一起找朋友,找性伴侶,娛樂。還應該組織一些有教育意義的活動,讓這些人提升自身素養. 而且我覺得很多的 LGBT在心理上,價值觀上有問題,是在糊裡糊塗過日子的。同時,LGBT的組織的終極目的,不應該是為了在社會中尋找同類擴大規模,還應該尋找有關的心理治療方面的部門,醫療所,有針對性地來對這些人士進行心理調節。因為這些人不太正常,心理變態的話,比較可能對社會,周圍環境人士等,造成負面的影響。

God created human, men and women. No matter how many and abnormal these LGBT are, compared to normal men and women with love, sex, they are only a few. Their gender and sexual orientation on growing up in life are affected by various factors and environment, resulting in lesions. Just as there is a probability distribution for everything, LGBT is an extreme example of the probability distribution of a person's gender and sex favor, not the mainstream at all. It Will not be the mainstream, otherwise God would not create men and women. Since they are not mainstream, they cannot be regarded as mainstream. I think the law that allows homosexuals to get the same legal marriage is wrong. Because marriage isn't just about two people, it's about families and kids. With children there is responsibility, there is love, there are feelings. It is necessary on educating kids, parents will be one heart and one mind, spend a lot of painstaking efforts, to bear together. On one hand, LGBT is a small amount of people. On another hand, there is no real family, no parents such family ethics, no love nor responsibility for kids. Then they should not be given the legal title, nor same rights of family marriage in general. LGBT is a sick pervert, yet I think LGBT's social network, it's good ! To organize these people, It is to give them a home for their hearts, to let them live with dignity, and to give them love and care in their spiritual life. I find that in American society, perhaps because of the lack of a good educational system, many families do not know how to educate their children properly. That handsome boy grows up in palm dale, north of Los Angeles, and has never been out of the area. He didn't have a great goal in life. After two years of college, He felt He had no future, so he dropped out and went to work. He can't have a good job if he doesn't have a good background. I asked these two gay boys if they had any activities in their gay circle? Yes, because they grew up without good male role models in the family, they looked for the best in boys, which even contributed to their homosexuality. In fact, they want to look for successful people in life as role models, hoping to have mature success persons to teach them a good life, and guide them to success. There is a boy used to live in another family, the host said to him, you should go to school, do not waste your youth. So he started to go to adult school.  I think that the LGBT organization should not just let these people together to find friends, find sexual partners, do entertainment. Educational activities should also be organized to help these people improve their lives. And I think a lot of LGBT have problematic psychologies and values, are muddled through life. At the same time, the ultimate goal of the organization of the LGBT should not be to find the same kind of expansion in society, but also to find the relevant departments of psychotherapy, medical treatment, targeted to these people for psychological adjustment. Because these people are not normal, psychopathic, more likely to give negative impact to society, to people around in the environment.
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