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轉折點 發表於 2023-1-26 14:54 來自手機 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
泰國有一個特別的吸引人的旅遊項目,就是人妖. 那是二戰時期,20萬美軍住兵泰國。因為當地沒有足夠的妓女,所以男人也裝扮成人妖,取悅強大的美國士兵。美軍撤走以後,這些人就成為了一個泰國旅遊特產,泰國還有人妖學校,現在有50萬人妖。甚至據說總理的兒子還找人妖做女朋友。經濟上,人妖為泰國旅遊業貢獻了不菲的收入。在日本, 動漫行業特別發達。LGBT有關的動漫產業有很大的市場。據說, 日本的年輕人都寧願在家裡看動漫, 有很大一部分人喜歡看LGBT題材, 而不想出去社交, 不想交異性朋友,也不做愛,所以生育率超低!Jackie 第一個夢工場來的教她動畫的帥哥老師,Vladimir, 一手繪畫技巧特棒,是俄國來的,是gay, 是從俄國的芭蕾舞寄宿學校長大的!他現在回俄國了,已經不知道換了多少同性戀帥哥夥伴。 我還在想,是不是應該介紹給Tim?

Thailand has a particularly tourism attraction, that is she-male. It was in World War II, and 200 thousand American military troops were staying in Thailand. Because there were not enough prostitutes in the area, men dressed up as she-males to please powerful American soldiers. After the withdrawal of the U. S. military, these people have become a Thai tourism specialty. Thailand also has the she-male school to train them, there are now 500 thousand she-males. It is even said that the prime minister's son has a she-male to be his girlfriend. Economically, the she-male has contributed a lot of income to Thailand's tourism industry. In Japan, the animation industry is particularly developed. LGBT related animation industry has a large market. It is said that young people in Japan would rather watch anime at home, there are a large number of people like to watch LGBT themes, and do not want to go out social, do not want to make friends with the opposite sex, do not have sex, so the fertility rate is very low!Jackie『s first art teacher, Vladimir, from dream works, to teach her animation, was a handsome boy with excellent hand painting skills. He is from Russia, a gay, grew up from Russian ballet boarding school! He's back in Russia now. I don't know how many gay partners he has changed. I was wondering if Jackie should introduce him to Tim?


LGBT culture in Japan - WikipediaWikipedia › wiki › LGBT_culture_in_Ja...
Young single people in Japan aren't having sex and the reason is proving fatal | The Feed - SBSSpecial Broadcasting Service › au › news
Japanese young people 'not having sex' - BBC News - BBC.comBBC.com › news › world-asia-40511655
Japan birthrate at all time low because men are too busy for sex - News.com.auNews.com.au › au › news-story
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