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同性戀現象  Homosexuality
我以前別的房子有過同性戀的房客,他們是中年人,很乾凈,感覺很像是看梵高的畫。不是那種我熟悉的家庭的溫暖的情感,是清靜但又冷色調的。也有女同性戀者敲門,想來租房子的。跟男同性戀者又不同,她們的生活自成一體,好像脫離凡塵。我以前住的房子,中間隔開!有一陣子前面租給了兩個年輕的同性戀男孩。一開始我不知道他們是同性戀,其中一個男孩特別英俊,是在這邊酒吧做調酒師,還有一個男孩窮人家出生,暗戀他。因為有時候看見別的男孩子出出入入,一問才知道,他們是同性戀。怎麼說呢?感覺上就是看見兩個好男孩,也許受誤導,也許自己不懂事,走錯人生路了。上次跟David, Tim探討同性戀產生的原因。上帝造人有男女之分,結合才能生孩子。孩子在養育過程中,是需要很多的照顧和愛的。那只有這樣父母雙全,才可以給孩子完整的愛和支持. 單親家的孩子,或者某些家庭孩子生長過程中,父親的角色缺席,孩子比較容易有同性戀傾向! 因為生長過程中,缺少某一方的偶像,無論是在心理上生理上,價值觀人生觀,處事,都可能得不到正確的教導,有偏差的!

I used to have gay tenants in other house, they were middle-aged, they were clean, I felt a lot like looking at Van Gogh's paintings. It is not the kind  I am familiar with, that warm feelings of the family, on contrary it is tranquil but cold tone. There are lesbians knocking at my door, and those who want to rent a house are different from gay men. Their lives are self-contained and seem to be detached from the ordinary world. The house I used to live, separated from the middle. I rented the front out to two young boys for a while. I didn't know they were gay at first. One of the boys was particularly handsome. He worked as a bartender in a bar here. There was also a boy who was born in a poor family and had a crush on him. Because sometimes when I see other boys  in and out, I find out that they are homosexual. It's hard to say my Feelings When see two good boys, perhaps being misled, perhaps of their own ignorance, leading the wrong way of life. Last time I discussed with David, Tim about the causes of homosexuality. God created men and women to give birth to children who need a lot of care and love in their upbringing. That is the best way for both parents to give complete love and support to kids . Children from single-parent families, or some families when children growing up missing the role of the father, children are more likely to have homosexual tendencies! Because growing up, the lack of one of the idols, whether in  psychological, physical, values, view of life, when dealing with the world, kids may not get the correct guidance, will have psychological deviations!
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