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宗教的新式管理  New management of religion

今天在網上看到這篇報道  I saw this report online today.

是講在中國宗教和諧的事情. 其實宗教跟娛樂一樣, 是精神領域的事情. 娛樂比較偏重於感官的,讓人輕鬆快樂的. 而宗教更偏向於精神層次的,會提高人的道德修養,以及讓人對崇高目標的追求. 所以對宗教也可以像對娛樂事業那樣經營管理. 先看看宗教可以為人提供什麼樣的需求與滿足,比如說在聚會時給予高尚情操的教育,在大家的協助下, 以和諧健康的特有的方式生活,小孩子的啟蒙教育,為有才藝的孩子提供機會表演, 提供社交的機會, 提供人力給家庭, 照顧有需要老人和孩子, 給新來的或者是沒有知識經驗的提供法律和各種家庭服務. 等等等等

It is a matter of religious harmony in China. In fact, religion is just like entertainment. It is a matter of spirituality. Entertainment is more focused on the senses and makes people feel relaxed and happy. And religion is more inclined to the spiritual level, which will improve people's moral cultivation and the pursuit of lofty goals. So religion can also be managed like the entertainment industry. First look at what kind of needs and satisfaction can be provided by religion, such as giving a noble sentiment education at the party, with the assistance of everyone, living in a unique and harmonious way, giving children's enlightenment education, providing opportunities for talented children to perform, providing social opportunities, providing manpower to the family, taking care of the elderly and children, providing new arrivals without knowledge and experience  legal and various family services ,etc.

同時把各個宗教的小團體, 小分支聯合成網, 那就可以在網中分享各種資源了. 人是社會動物, 有了豐富的社會生活, 小孩子又可以得到教育, 人一忙就不會去做烏力瑪麗事情. 時不時地舉行聚會, 就像這樣子開運動會呀, 文藝演出啊, 佈道會呀, 等等等等.既然有了信眾,有了組織,就可以對外開放了, 向世界各國的同道發邀請, 一起聯合起來互相交流啊. 誰愛信什麼就信什麼,反正有那麼多選擇, 都有各種不同的活動, 對人的家庭生活精神健康很有益處, 尤其是對有小孩的家庭. 給個建議,我爸說.....私下裡說,你是否考慮過再領個孩子?如果有愛,孩子們一定高興!(blink eye)

At the same time, small groups and small branches of various religions can be combined into a network, and then various resources can be shared in the network. People are social animals, and with a rich social life, children can be educated,busy people won』t be involved in nonsenses. Hold  parties from time to time, like a sports meeting, a performance, a evangelistic meeting, etc. Now that there are believers, with the organization, it can be opened to the outside world. send invitations to all the world』s countries  similar organizations, unite and communicate with each other. Whoever believes in what they believe in, there are so many choices, there are various activities, which are beneficial to the people』s family life and mental health, especially a family with children. Give a suggestion, my dad said..... Privately said, have you considered taking another child? If there is love, the children must be happy! (blink eye)

這邊的球隊有各種各樣,而每一個球隊有他自己的標誌和精神. 那我想你在運行宗教的時候是不是也可以把每一個宗教的分支, 以及他們的集會點付予他們自己的特色,比如說用不同的花,不同的顏色,或者某一個地區強調某一種精神,有自己的音樂和歌曲. 讓屬於某一組織的信眾穿印有代表當地的特色logo 的服裝. 那他們就有歸屬感,榮譽感, 就有熱情為大家服務. 舉辦有特色的慶典,建造有特色的建築園林,配有特色的雕塑,開辦有特色的學校. 也可以作為一個旅遊點讓遊客來欣賞和參觀,同時銷售自己製作的有特色的工藝品.

There are all kinds of sports teams here, and each team has its own logo and spirit. Then I think if you are running religion, you can also assign them their own characteristics to each religious branch and their assemblies, such as using different flowers, different colors, or a certain area to emphasize a certain spirit, have their own music and songs. Let the believers belonging to an organization wear clothings of a logo that represents the local characteristics. Then they have a sense of belonging, a sense of honor, and there is enthusiasm for everyone. Organize a special celebration, build a characteristic architectural garden, with distinctive sculptures, set up a distinctive school. These settings can also be used as a tourist spot, let visitors come to enjoy and visit, and sell their own crafts.
Nov 19, 2015 at 8:48 PM ISIS 讓我寫恐怖份子和ISIS. 怎麼說好呢? 其實恐怖分子這個定義不清不白, 因為它沒有說清楚背後代表的是哪一個利益組織. 中東,中亞,西亞,因為海上貿易航路的興旺而衰落.也因為宗教的控制使現代科技文明不能在這個地區散發光芒. 其實美國很早就有全球戰略,美國很清楚美洲只是地球的一端,地球的實際中心是在歐亞非大陸,而歐亞非的中心是在中西亞. 所以有海灣戰爭,伊拉克戰爭,根本不是為了石油.
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