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[深度訪談] 流行和古典是不同音樂市場 對古典欣賞力是要培養的









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流行和古典是不同音樂市場 對古典欣賞力是要培養的 Pop and classical are different music markets. Appreciation for Classical needs to be cultivated.

現在,談論音樂。 我小時候演奏過手風琴,沒有老師,不能和Jackie彈鋼琴相提並論。 但我很欣賞音樂。 雇我成為音樂檢選者? 我現在向你展示一個頻譜圖,頻率較低的是聲音,非常高的頻率是光,中間是所有的無線電波。 大多數頻率已分配用於不同的用途。 好的,如果頻譜就像整個音樂市場一樣。 你的流行音樂就像是中低部分的聲音,Hans的古典音樂就像是高頻的光,中間還有其他種類的不同音樂,民樂,樂器等。我想說的是,你有自己的市場。

Now, talking about music. I played accordion when I was a kid, no teacher, cannot be compared to Jackie with her piano. But I have good appreciation of music. Hire me to be a music screener? I'm showing you a spectrum chart, lower frequency is sound, very high frequency is the light, in the middle are all the radio waves. Most frequencies have been assigned for different usage. OK, if the spectrum is like the whole music regime. Your pop music is like the lower middle part sound, Hans』classical music is like the high up light, in the middle  there are other kinds of different music, folk, instrumental, etc. My statement is, you have your market.
古典比流行音樂更有精神涵義 Classical is much more spiritual than pop music
1. 你用耳朵聽聲音,眼睛看燈光。 相對來說古典比流行音樂更有精神涵義,這意味著大多數聽眾可能只有對流行音樂的「耳朵」而沒有為古典音樂開發的「眼睛」。 你必須培養市場,訓練你的孩子首先有對古典音樂的「眼睛」。 小女孩在小學時告訴我,在課堂上,有些孩子甚至不知道貝多芬和莫扎特是誰,她是唯一一個,只有喜歡古典音樂。David,你的音樂太強大了!

1. You use ear to hear sound, eyes to see lights. Comparatively classical is much more spiritual than pop music, which means most listeners may only have "ears" for pop but not have "eyes" developed for classical. You have to cultivate the market, train your kids to have "eye" for it first. Little girl told me when she was in elementary school, in her class there were kids do not even know who Beethoven and Mozart were, and she's the only one, only one likes classical music.  David, your music is too powerful!
流行音樂優於古典音樂在音樂配器和心靈共鳴 Pop music has advantages over classical, in orchestration, and resonance from heart

2. 相對來說流行音樂優於古典音樂,在音樂配器和心靈共鳴。 你有沒有見過有人唱古典莫扎特作品? 也許只有小Jackie才能做到。 (她的嗓音好可怕的),保持它,也許你可以添加新的樂器。

2. Comparatively pop music has advantages over classical, in orchestration, and resonance from heart. Have you ever seen anybody sing classical Mozart piece? Maybe only little Jackie does it. (She has a terrible voice), keep it, maybe you can add new instruments.
Nov 19, 2015 at 8:48 PM ISIS 讓我寫恐怖份子和ISIS. 怎麼說好呢? 其實恐怖分子這個定義不清不白, 因為它沒有說清楚背後代表的是哪一個利益組織. 中東,中亞,西亞,因為海上貿易航路的興旺而衰落.也因為宗教的控制使現代科技文明不能在這個地區散發光芒. 其實美國很早就有全球戰略,美國很清楚美洲只是地球的一端,地球的實際中心是在歐亞非大陸,而歐亞非的中心是在中西亞. 所以有海灣戰爭,伊拉克戰爭,根本不是為了石油.
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