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寫藝術 About art









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寫藝術   About  art

你們讓我寫藝術和科學技術,這個題目太大了. 不能老是我寫,這不公平,我下次要你們寫,寫愛情.  先寫藝術,什麼是藝術呢?外界的特定刺激在人的感官上引起了美感和享受. 這種感覺和過程就是藝術. 脫離了人就沒有藝術. 那什麼是美感呢?就是你喜歡的,好的,因人而異. 什麼是特定刺激呢?就是不是隨便亂來的,是有機的,按一定規律的,能給你美感的刺激.  聲音是雜亂的,可是當你選擇不同的聲音頻律,用詩歌的方式,用和弦的方式,用旋律的方式表現出來的時候,那就是音樂. 巴洛克風格,古典時期,浪漫時期,現代音樂,還有豐富多彩的pop, Jazz,不同音色,不同風格,隨你喜歡. 而真正有少數樂曲,在旋律的走向,在合弦的搭配上能夠深入人心的,就會流傳成為經典,那是藝術. 亂塗鴉是不入眼的,可是如果你能把線條,顏色,明暗,分佈,按有機的方式進行,你得到的是藝術的繪畫.  食物並不是煮熟了就一定好吃,高級廚師知道,針對什麼食材,在什麼時候,放什麼作料,做出來的食物才色香味俱全好吃. 這是藝術.  

Xi and Wang, two masters, you let me write art , science and technology。This topic is too big. I can not always write, this is not fair, I want you to write next time,write about love. First I will write art. What is art? ? The specific stimuli of the outside world cause beauty and enjoyment in the human senses. This feeling and process is art. Without people, there is no art. What is beauty? It's what you like, good, different from person to person. What is a specific stimulus? It is not casual, it is organic, according to certain rules, can give you a sense of beauty. The sound is messy, but when you choose different pitch follow audio laws, use poetry, chords, use melody when the way is expressed, it is music. Baroque style, classical period, romantic period, modern music, and colorful pop, Jazz, different sounds, different styles, whatever you like. And there are really a few music pieces, in the melody, the chords direction, which can be deeply rooted in people』shearts, will become classical, that is art. The graffiti is inconspicuous, but if you can put the lines, colors, light and dark, distribution, in an organic way, what you get is an artistic painting. It is not that food cooked must be delicious. The senior chef knows, what ingredients, when, what to put, thenthe food made is delicious and tasty. This is art.

性高潮就是不同的性刺激,同時傳到大腦,在大腦中形成共振產生的,美好嗎?做愛是一門藝術.  談戀愛也是藝術.  地層下有很多的空穴,按照這些空穴的大小他們有自己的固有頻率. 在某一個地點如果你讓不同的長波在此共振的話,巨大的能量可以引起地震,這是地球的性高潮. 嘻嘻,毀滅的藝術. 藝術就是讓人腦中的某些特定點,能夠同時興奮,共振,能量最大,產生愉悅感,這就是美感的生理基礎. 這也就是說,如果你有方法可以刺激大腦,在大腦某些區域產生這些興奮的話,你就有了藝術感,美感,性高潮,你都不用通過實際的刺激.  如果你有生活經歷,當你聆聽某一段音樂時你會有同樣的情感,就是這個原因。是嗎?可能共鳴區是一樣的.  你看Steven的電影,雖然是電影,可是你同樣可以感覺到那種驚嚇激動,就像真的一樣.  就因為它並不是像數學那樣可以有明顯的邏輯,人類的文明進步還沒有能夠真正深入大腦弄清楚其共振的原理,很多東西都是通過感覺經驗,所以藝術需要天分.  在所有的平淡的一般的過程運作中,如果有藝術的點綴,給人帶來高尚的藝術感, 那個產品的價值就會提升十倍百倍. 想一想紫砂壺,想一想國外的名牌包,化妝品.
Orgasm is a different sexual stimulus, which is transmitted to the brain and forms resonance in the brain. Is it beautiful? Making love is an art. Falling in love is also art. There are many holes under the ground. According to the size of these holes, they have their own natural frequencies. In a certain place, if you let different long waves resonate here, huge energy  can cause earthquakes, this is the orgasm of the earth. Hey, the art of destruction! Art is a certain point in the brain that can excite, resonate, energize, and produce pleasure at the same time. This is the physiological basis of aesthetics. That is to say, if you have a way to stimulate the brain and produce these excitements in certain areas of the brain, you have an artistic sense, an aesthetic, an orgasm, and you don't have to use actual stimulation.  If you have a life experience, you will have the same emotion when you listen to a certain piece of music. This is the reason. is it? Maybe the resonance zone is the same. You watch Steven's movie, although it's a movie, but you can also feel the kind of shocking excitement, just like it is. As it is not as obvious logic as mathematics, human civilization has not yet been able to really go deep into the brain to figure out the principle of its resonance. Many things are through the feelings of experience, so art needs talent. In all the ordinary operation of the ordinary process, if there is artistic embellishment, it willbring people a noble sense of art, the product values will be increased tenfold. Think about the clay teapot, think about foreign brand-name bags, cosmetics.
藝術的根本也是對宇宙萬物底層基本的,和更高一個層次的一種和諧及規律的體現. 藝術的各種形式,內在其實是相通的。我希望小孩子一開始是感覺藝術而不是去學數學和文字,那孩子以後對事情的掌握會更完滿,處事會更優美,道德也會更高尚,人品也會跟純正.  下次講科學技術. 交流是雙通道,請給反饋.
The essence of art is also a kind of harmony and regularity of the basics and a higher level of the universe. The various forms of art are actually connected. I hope that children will feel art at the beginning instead of learning mathematics and writing. Thus child will be more complete in the future, his work will be more beautiful, his morality will be higher, and his character will be pure. Next time I will talk about science technology. Communication is two way, please give feedback.

Oct 26, 2015 at 11:12 PM

藝術是感性的,是感覺,是感情的,所以是最能打動人心的. 也是最有效的.  彭麻麻一唱歌,勝過外交部長的長篇大論. 習大大一跳舞,大家都笑了. Jackie一賣萌,大老變大調皮. 所以很多民族,聚會時喝酒了,就會唱歌跳舞嗨起來. 看見好的畫,玉器,珠寶,藝術品,不能吃不能穿,有人卻花大價錢買了把玩収藏.  藝術的魅力無法阻擋. 科技,是探索自然,改造自然的工具. 是人類以數學為語言,把對自然規律的認識,逐步地記錄下來,並以這些規律為依據,發明創造,根據不同目的,設計製造實現. 這是上帝的法則,能量巨大,科學技術是第一生產力.
Art is perceptual, it is feeling, it is emotional, so it is the most touching. It is also the most effective. Peng Ma Ma sings better than the long speech of the Foreign Minister. Xi Dada dances, everyone laughs. Jackie is cute, big figures play withher. So many ethnic groups, when drinking at the party, theywill sing and dance getting high. See good paintings, jadewares, jewelries, art crafts, you can not eat and can not wear, yet some people have spent a lot of money to buy and play , to collect. The charm of art cannot be hidden. Science and technology is a tool for exploring nature and transforming nature. It is human uses mathematics as a language to gradually record the understanding of the laws of nature, and based on these laws, invents and creates, for different purposes, designs and manufactures. This is God's law, with great power, science and technology are the primary productive forces.
Nov 19, 2015 at 8:48 PM ISIS 讓我寫恐怖份子和ISIS. 怎麼說好呢? 其實恐怖分子這個定義不清不白, 因為它沒有說清楚背後代表的是哪一個利益組織. 中東,中亞,西亞,因為海上貿易航路的興旺而衰落.也因為宗教的控制使現代科技文明不能在這個地區散發光芒. 其實美國很早就有全球戰略,美國很清楚美洲只是地球的一端,地球的實際中心是在歐亞非大陸,而歐亞非的中心是在中西亞. 所以有海灣戰爭,伊拉克戰爭,根本不是為了石油.
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