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西來寺 Hsi Lai Temple









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西來寺 Hsi Lai Temple

今天去看了佛光山西來寺,非常地喜歡,但還是不滿足。喜歡的是建築美,文物美,書籍豐富,但缺乏高雅藝術,脫俗的精神. 比較中國大陸,還是好許多. 有許多教育,德,美,人生觀,只有高尚家庭會教. 外界指責中國人缺乏精神信仰,只顧追名逐利。這是以社會,民族,國家,集體,整體凝聚向上的力量,是精神的力量. 中國文化偏重人與人相處,不是凝聚向上對神. 中國文化重味覺,少視覺,缺數學科學精神. 中國近年來建立了許多大佛,供人膜拜. 燒香,抄經,不是信仰也非精神生活.
I went to see Hsi Lai Temple today, I like it very much, but I am still not satisfied. I like the beauty of architecture, the beauty of art and literature, the richness of books, but the lack of elegant art and the spirit of refineness. Compared with mainland China, it is still much better. There are many educations, virtues, beauty, and view of life, only noble families would teach. The outside world accuses Chinese of lacking of spiritual beliefs, only pursuing the title and profit. This is the strength of the society, the nation, the country, the collective, the whole, and the strength of the spirit. Chinese culture is biased towards relationship between people, not cohesive and up to God. Chinese culture has a sense of taste, less vision, lacking the spirit of mathematics. China in recent years, has established many large Buddhas for people to worship. However burning incense, copying bibles, is really not a true belief or a spiritual life.

宗教價值 Religious Values
小時候讀佛經故事,聽講道. 這是大道理,讓人有智慧,懂人生,讓社會和諧. 中國的佛地,只讓人進香收錢,不傳知識,不授教育. 再宏偉的佛,大眾心靈還是空虛的. 曾經看過日本動畫「佛陀」, 感悟良深,如果有錢,我想把佛經故事,及佛教歷史畫成一系列動畫,在所有的寺廟放映. 這兒,老師帶著小孩子們來學習,真好。今天最好的展覽是寺廟的地宮舍利子,還有廣西的民族服飾,真漂亮啊. 可繪畫作品,書法,太糟糕,三流都算不上. 國內是不是也可以把印度的日本的,泰國柬埔寨等的雕像,繪畫服飾等拿來巡迥展覽,放宗教人性的影片,開班教學,讓小朋友學會生活,有道德,有組織團隊精神.
When I was a child, I read the story of the Buddhist s**tures and listened to the sermons. This is a rationale that makes people wise, understands life, and makes the society harmonious. The Buddha temple in China only allows people to donate money, not to pass on knowledge, not to teach. No matter what a magnificent Buddha, the public minds are still empty. I have seen Japanese anime "Buddha" and I feel good and deep of its thoughts. If I have money, I want to make the sutra story and Buddhist history into a series of animations and show them in all the temples. Here, the teacher is learning with the children, it is good. Today's best exhibition is the temple's relics, and the national costumes of Guangxi. It's so beautiful. Yet paintings, calligraphy, are too bad, not counted as third-rate. Can you also bring statues and paintings, etc. from India,Japan, Thailand Cambodia for tour exhibitions? To show religious humanity films, to start classes, to let children learn to live, to have morality, and to organize team spirit?
Nov 19, 2015 at 8:48 PM ISIS 讓我寫恐怖份子和ISIS. 怎麼說好呢? 其實恐怖分子這個定義不清不白, 因為它沒有說清楚背後代表的是哪一個利益組織. 中東,中亞,西亞,因為海上貿易航路的興旺而衰落.也因為宗教的控制使現代科技文明不能在這個地區散發光芒. 其實美國很早就有全球戰略,美國很清楚美洲只是地球的一端,地球的實際中心是在歐亞非大陸,而歐亞非的中心是在中西亞. 所以有海灣戰爭,伊拉克戰爭,根本不是為了石油.
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