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傷害他人,就斷不了自己的煩惱 --上師達真堪布仁波切









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8. 傷害他人,就斷不了自己的煩惱 --上師達真堪布仁波切

8. Hurting Others will Obstruct You to Remove Your Afflictions.


After taking refuge in Buddhism, one is not allowed to hurt sentient beings. Buddhism itself is to benefit sentient beings. If one hurts them, including his family, it is against Buddhism. You must not hurt them for the purpose of practice or chanting the Buddha』s name, but take care of them instead. Making them happy and satisfied is benefiting sentient beings and practicing Dharma. If you just lock yourself in the Buddhist prayer room at home, ignore both the housework and your kids, and don』t cook the dinner for significant others, leaving them sad and upset, isn』t it hurting all beings?


In some families, after the wife or the husband began to learn Buddhism, the home is no longer like a home, and the person is no longer like him or her; the family is no longer a happy one, and the person is no longer a delighted one. Learning Buddhism in this way will not bring any merit. Their behavior has gone against Buddhism, and what they learned is not the Dharma but evil teachings. Learning and practicing this way will get you to neither liberation nor the Pure Land. Then what should we do? Do all things well, whether big or small, at home or outside, and perform everything orderly and tidily, making the family satisfied and happy. This is believing in Buddhism, learning Buddhism and chanting the Buddha』s name. And only in this way can you end the karma and pay off the debts.


Dharma itself is to benefit sentient beings and not to hurt beings. Making all beings happy is doing good; making parents happy is performing piety. If you always make your parents sad and upset, then buy something or send some presents to them occasionally, which is meaningless, and is not piety. Your husband or wife, children, relatives and friends are the beings with the strongest karmic connection with you, and the beings that need your care most. Make an effort for them and make them happy, which is performing the good deeds and practicing.


So after taking refuge in Buddhism, never upset or hurt others, and don』t even have the idea. Though we can』t make it temporarily, yet we should try our best so that little by little you must make it finally. Only in that way can we integrate Buddhism into our continuity of mind.


Wherever you are or whatever objects you are facing, never upset or hurt other beings. If you do so, no matter how many times you have chanted the Buddha』s name, chanted sutras or recited mantras, or how many merits you have accumulated, this is only facial. Actually, your continuity of mind has broken away from Buddhism, and in that case, whatever you do doesn』t work, and can』t cause you to get rid of afflictions and bad habits. Nowadays, there are many cases that some people who have learnt Buddhism and practiced many years haven』t made any progress, still with serious afflictions, sufferings and bad habits. Learning Buddhism that way is meaningless! If you don』t change yourself, your surroundings will not change, either.


If you want to correct others, correct yourself first. Once you have changed yourself, all around you will also change. After you correct your false thoughts and behaviors, everything will be all right. Leave your heart calm, and all will be calm. Leave your heart right and all will be smooth. Doing it this way, you will not come into any unfavorable conditions and obstacles, or contradictories and conflicts.


Never hurt all beings, which is the precept we should observe after taking refuge in Dharma. It』s hard at the beginning not to hurt any being, or not even have a single thought of that, but little by little, try your best and you will make it one day.



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