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With the new year around corner, many employees have received goods from their bosses for Chinese New Year. But have you ever heard that anyone got a live pig as the new year bonus?


  On the evening of Jan. 31, a truck loaded with 60 pigs left from a livestock farm in Quzhou to Lishui, eastern China』s Zhejiang province. These pigs are to be handed out to the employees of a car dealership as Spring Festival goods.


  Although this scarcely happened before, it does increase the New Year』s atmosphere.


  There are 50 employees in the company and every one of them can get a pig, weighing between 75 kg and 85 kg. The pigs cost the boss around 180,000 yuan.


  The boss surnamed Li was born in 1986. He said they can choose a live pig or pig meat. He even recruited a butcher and offered to pay him 150 yuan for slaughtering a pig.

Half of the employees chose a live pig because they believe their parents like such kind of goods for Spring Festival since it can add New Year atmosphere.


  Li said he grew up in countryside and butchering pigs to celebrate the new year is very exciting. Relatives and neighbors can share the pig together.


  According to the pig farm, these pigs feed on vegetables, corns and swill, but not fodder. They also eat foods rich in animal protein such as loaches, eels and eggs.

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