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白露為霜 發表於 2014-4-18 01:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
http://www.washingtonpost.com/lo ... 596577eb_story.html

Amherst College: 1,103 admission offers out of 8,468 applications, 13 percent.

Bowdoin College: 1,032 offers out of 6,935 apps, 15 percent.

Brown University: 2,619 offers out of 30,432 apps, 9 percent.

California Institute of Technology: 529 offers out of 6,524 apps, 8 percent.

Carleton College: 1,446 offers out of 6,293 apps, 23 percent.

Claremont McKenna College: 613 offers out of 6,043 apps, 10 percent.

Colgate University: 2,224 offers out of 8,713 apps, 26 percent.

Columbia University: 2,291 offers out of 32,967 apps, 7 percent.

Cornell University: 6,014 offers out of 43,041 apps, 14 percent.

Dartmouth College: 2,220 offers out of 19,296 apps, 12 percent.

Davidson College: 1,169 offers out of 5,558 apps, 21 percent.

Duke University: 3,499 offers out of 32,506 apps, 11 percent.

Emory University: 4,616 offers out of 17,797 apps, 26 percent.

Grinnell College: 1,626 offers out of 6,056 apps, 27 percent.

Hamilton College: 1,312 offers out of 5,071 apps, 26 percent.

Harvard University: 2,023 offers out of 34,295 apps, 6 percent.

Harvey Mudd College: 510 offers out of 3,678 apps, 14 percent. Note: Harvey Mudd』s figures are based on what it labels 「actionable」 applications, meaning those that are complete enough for the college to make a decision. Separately, it reports a higher figure for total apps. If that higher figure were used, its admission rate would be a percentage point lower.

Haverford College: no figures available yet.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology:1,419 offers out of 18,357 apps, 8 percent.

Middlebury College: 1,422 offers out of 8,196 apps, 17 percent.

Northwestern University: 4,349 offers out of 33,673 apps, 13 percent.

Pomona College: 938 offers out of 7,727 apps, 12 percent.

Princeton University: 1,939 offers out of 26,641 apps, 7 percent.

Rice University: 2,498 offers out of 17,720 apps, 14 percent.

Smith College: 1,802 offers out of 4,461 apps, 40 percent.

Stanford University: 2,138 offers out of 42,167 apps, 5 percent.

Swarthmore College: 930 offers out of 5,540 apps, 17 percent.

University of California at Berkeley: no figures available until April 18.

University of Chicago: 2,304 offers out of 27,503 apps, 8 percent.

University of Notre Dame: 3,720 offers out of 17,897 apps, 21 percent.

University of Pennsylvania: 3,583 offers out of 35,868 apps, 10 percent.

U.S. Military Academy: no figures available yet.

U.S. Naval Academy: no figures available yet.

Vanderbilt University: 3634 offers out of 29,490 apps, 12 percent.

Vassar College: 1,771 offers out of 7,784 apps, 23 percent.

Washington University in St. Louis: 5,002 offers out of 29,211 apps, 17 percent.

Wellesley College: 1,330 offers out of 4,710 apps, 28 percent.

Wesleyan University: 2,199 offers out of 9,477 apps, 23 percent.

Williams College: 1,150 offers out of 6,316 apps, 18 percent.

Yale University: 1,935 offers out of 30,932 apps, 6 percent.
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