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opa900 發表於 2012-1-7 02:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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用谷歌翻譯,言辭不是很通順,請原諒。來源, http://english.hani.co.kr/arti/e ... ational/506385.html



戰爭對擅自拆除「老虎眼」,感測器套件安裝在F - 15K在八月和九月,超過竊取國防工業技術的爭論,韓國和美國之間的神經最近已蔓延到其他武器。國防採辦項目管理局(DAPA)和其他正式打下來的問題的重要性,但輻射可能隨著美國暫停戰略武器出口到韓國,有跡象。


美國懷疑,韓國竊取國防科技開始涉及打破了周圍的F - 15K的「老虎眼」感測器組件密封的事件。這些感測器的F - 15K戰鬥機的機身下安裝,有助於準確地轟炸目標,即使在夜間和惡劣天氣。

今年八月,美國派出一個調查小組,由一個國家的代理副國務卿韓國,他們在那裡按空軍官員領導 - 然後在中間的乙支自由衛士演習 - 他們是否採取了除了擅自虎眼石。空軍回應,虎眼石的密封被破壞,當他們在飛機上安裝的。在9月,聯合韓國美。成立調查小組,但DAPA最近解釋說,球隊的調查是無法找到部分已拆解的跡象。然而,據消息人士透露,韓國要求美國拿出證據,他們已經非法檢查設備,但美國沒有,他說,這樣做可以揭示線人。該人士表示,美國不相信韓國的解釋,以及兩國政府似乎已經達到了不同的結論。

一些分析人士還聲稱,這是約不僅僅是虎眼石,從美國政府的投訴已經積累。一個典型的例子是ALQ - 200,LIG Nex1製造外部雷達干擾。促進國防發展局(ADD)的ALQ - 200,其中,飛機底部的連接時,檢測到來自敵方導彈和打亂他們的雷達波,作為自己的技術,但美國的犯罪嫌疑人的技術盜版。特別是,美國據報道震驚韓國推到出口巴基斯坦的技術,它可能對中國製造的戰機安裝,並計劃出口的干擾被取消。




此外,美國國務院國防貿易管制局(DDTC)據報道,最近決定調查主要武器系統的技術盜版嫌疑,韓國已推廣使用本土技術開發。因此,美國駐華使館目前正在調查。 K1A1坦克,以及與ALQ - 200,以前是一個有爭議的問題的消防控制,多管火箭炮系統和昌Sangeo和香港Sangeo魚雷說是調查的主要目標。




Suspicious of stolen technology, U.S. suspends weapon exports to S.Korea
Analysts say the suspicions follow other claims of stolen technology

By Lee Soon-hyuk 

Following the war of nerves between South Korea and the United States over the unauthorized dismantling of 「Tiger Eyes,」 a sensor suite installed on the F-15K, in August and September, the controversy over stealing defense industry technology has recently been spreading to other weapons. The Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) and others are officially playing down the importance of the issue, but there are signs the fallout may grow, with the United States suspending the export of strategic weaponry to South Korea.

Controversy over technology theft

U.S. suspicions that South Korea was stealing defense technology began with an incident involving the breaking of seals around the F-15K』s 「Tiger Eyes」 sensor suite. Installed under the fuselage of the F-15K, these sensors help to accurately bomb targets even at night and in poor weather.

In August, the United States sent an investigation team led by a deputy undersecretary of state to South Korea, where they pressed Air Force officials - then in the middle of the Ulchi Freedom Guardian exercise - about whether they had taken apart the Tiger Eyes without authorization. The Air Force responded that the seals on the Tiger Eyes had been damaged when they were installed on the aircraft. In September, a joint South Korea-U.S. investigation team was formed, but DAPA recently explained that the team』s investigation was unable to find signs that the part had been disassembled. According to a source, however, South Korea demanded the United States produce evidence that they had illicitly examined the device, but the U.S. did not, saying that to do so could reveal an informant. The source said that the United States was not convinced by South Korea』s explanation, and that both governments appear to have reached different conclusions.

Some analysts also claim that this is about more than just the Tiger Eyes, and that complaints from the U.S. government had been accumulating. A typical example is the ALQ-200, an external radar jammer manufactured by LIG Nex1. The Agency for Defense Development (ADD) has promoted the ALQ-200, which, when attached to the underside of an aircraft, detects radar waves coming from enemy missiles and scrambles them, as its own technology, but the United States suspects the technology was pirated. In particular, the U.S. was reportedly shocked when South Korea pushed to export the technology to Pakistan, where it might be installed on Chinese-made fighters, and plans to export the jammer were canceled.

Stopping strategic weapons exports to South Korea

After returning to the United States, the investigation team that had looked into the Tiger Eyes suspicions reported to the White House and Congress, resulting in the suspension of export of strategic weapons to South Korea. A typical example was Congress』s application of the brakes to the export of the Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicle, which South Korea has been discussing adopting since the Roh Moo-hyun administration.

Local defense industries, for whom weapons development itself becomes difficult if key parts cannot be imported from the United States, also went into a state of emergency. Talk has spread within and outside of the military of one firm that sent high-ranking executives to the United States to beg in vain for the United States to allow it to export one of its products with U.S. technology.

In addition, the U.S. State Department』s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) has reportedly decided recently to investigate suspicions of technology piracy in major weapon systems South Korea that has been promoting as developed using indigenous technology. Accordingly, the U.S. Embassy is currently investigating. The fire controls of the K1A1 tank, which, along with the ALQ-200, had previously been a matter of controversy, the MLRS system and the Cheong Sangeo and Hong Sangeo torpedoes are said to be major targets of the investigation.

D&D Focus Editor in Chief Kim Jong-dae, who first reported on the Tiger Eyes controversy in Defense 21, an online webzine on military matters run by the Hankyoreh, said the situation was brought on by a combination of the U.S. keynote of selling weapons to Korea but not transferring technology, and the DAPA』s and ADD』s lax and easy-going attitudes. He expressed concern about the after-effects, such as South Korea』s bargaining power dropping greatly during next year』s 「F-X」 project to adopt a next-generation fighter.

Meanwhile, regarding the U.S. government』s accurate grasp of the breaking of the Tiger Eyes seals, the existence of a U.S. informant has also become a matter of controversy. The Defense Security Command and NIS have reportedly begun trying to uncover the informant.

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