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(雙語)窮游去哪裡 全球生活成本紅黑榜

魔之右手 發表於 2015-1-20 20:13 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

It ranks 119 countries based on the Consumer Price Index - which takes intoaccount the cost of groceries, restaurant meals, transportation and utilities。
  這項調查主要依據消費者物價指數(the Consumer PriceIndex,簡稱CPI),在計算食品成本、餐廳消費、交通和公共設施之後,對全球119個國家進行了排名。
  On a tour of Latin America? Try Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru - and be sure to avoid Venezuela. Heading tosouth-east Asia? Indonesia and the Philippines will provide the best value,followed by Vietnam and Thailand。
  Budget visitors to Europe should stick to the countries in the east - suchas the Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria and Romania - while those going toAfrica will get much more for their money in Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco than they will in Burundi, Gabon or theCongo。
  And above all, don't go to Switzerland unless you've got very deep pockets -it's the most expensive country in the world, according to the study
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