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My daughter (1)










cwjjzhou 發表於 2005-11-16 19:03 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Yesterday I was told by one of my friends, she said like this, " I really feel unfair for your daughter, because your focous are all on your son, you wrote all the stories about your son. aren't your daughter worth writing?" I was very surprised. Finally somebody said this to me, I have the same feeling before and I feel  one day people will say like that! The only thing is that before I want to write ( because my time is so limited). Since people want to read something about my daughter, now I'll write.

My daughter was born on December 31, 1998. During pregancy with my daughter my due was December 20, it was over due  ten days, and through colorful B Ultrasound, they found my daughter's neck was wrapped by the cord! it was very dangerous. I insisted on giving birth naturally  to my daugher because my doctor told me that my daughter was only around 3 Kilograms, I wanted to experience deliverying the baby all by my self. However, I was given  to eat some eggs fried with castor oil,  However, it didn't work at all. However, New year would come soon. during New year, there was not good doctor on duty. So on December 31, the chief of the gynecologist pushed us, " since the cord is around the neck of fetus, if the fetus die in the womb, then it was to late to regret..." Both my husband and I were , then we chose Caesarean, which was vey smoothy, because the best doctor operated it ( we gave her a red bao as a present beofore the operation).

My daughter grows so healthily. My mother-in- law, ( the following I want to call her she)helped me in Beijing. I was teaching in a high school. My daughter and she had a wonderful relationship. My mother-in law  even wanted to sleep with my daughter, she said like this, " I don't have much sleep at night, I'd like to do something at night such as help Jingyi pee... especially if you do that at night, you won't have much energy to work" touched by the words and I let Jenny sleep with her.  So my daughter don't need diaper when she was 10 moths old under my mother-in-law's effort and patient trainning. My daughter started talk very ealry, I remember very clearly that when we went to store, she said to us, "na, na" which means she wanted to reach. When my daugher was 15 months, My mother-in-law wanted to go back to home town, which is in  a valliage of Xian xian . So I agreed to let her take my daughter with her. Since then, my father-in-law and her uncle started memorizing Tang poetry. My daugher performed astonishing memory. She can recite over 20 pieces of Tang Poetry. My parents-in-law told me my daugher even recited Tang Poetry in her dream, if she forgot some, she was so anxious...

Time flies like an arrow, In 2001 we immigrated to Toronto. My parents-in-law loves my daughter so much, they even suggested us to let my daughter stay in China with them, at the same time, they thought children should stay with parents, so at last they agree us to take my daughter!! Thanks a lot!!

After we landed, we phoned my parents-in-law, my mother-in-law said like this, " we miss jingyi,( my daughter's Chinese name), I want to talk with her." I can hear my mother-in-law was sobbing... Then I asked Jingyi to come to say through the phone, " nai nai, I miss you, but taking the airplane hurts  my ears when it landed."...

We feel very guilty, after we came here, we have to struggle for lots of things, so the education to her reduced a lot...

(to be continued at [thread=272518]My daughter and my family- My daughter (2)[/thread])
多一絲快樂, 少一些煩惱;
不論鈔票多少, 只要開心就好;
累了就睡, 醒來就微笑;
生活是什麼滋味, 還得自己放調料;
一切隨緣, 童心到老, 快樂一生









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GhostCatcher 發表於 2005-11-17 05:23 | 只看該作者
Cool~! Happy to know about ur daughter.
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nozone 發表於 2005-11-18 10:03 | 只看該作者
Mingyu,it's really great to read your stories.You are such a good story teller. :-))
I was also wondering why there's only stories about your son and not about your daughter...but now it comes.
When you were pregnant with the first kid,did you expect it to be a boy or a girl??I want to have both too(even though i repfer a littlte girl more),but having a second kid in our city,you will get a fine of at least 50,000RMB.
Can't wait to read more about your daugther....
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 樓主| cwjjzhou 發表於 2005-11-18 10:48 | 只看該作者
[QUOTE=nozone]Mingyu,it's really great to read your stories.You are such a good story teller. :-))
I was also wondering why there's only stories about your son and not about your daughter...but now it comes.
When you were pregnant with the first kid,did you expect it to be a boy or a girl??I want to have both too(even though i repfer a littlte girl more),but having a second kid in our city,you will get a fine of at least 50,000RMB.
Can't wait to read more about your daugther....[/QUOTE]

Hi, nozone, thanks for your complimentary words.

I just wrote what happened to me! when I was pregnant with my first kid, my attitude was very good, I just wish my baby healthy. I didn't expect too much. To tell the truth, after I was pregant in Canada, I really wish my baby was a boy, because as you know, I already have a daughter. I remember when I was pregnant for 16 weeks, I was so happy to be told that it was a baby boy by B ultrasound. However, when I was pregnant for 36 weeks, I asked again, that time the doctor told me she didn't see it clearly. I felt a little bit sad, when I deliveried my baby and knew it was a boy, I was so excited. My husband held my hands and touched head by head for a long time. We were so happy.

I understand we have penalty for a second child in China. So I wish you could have a twins- one boy and one girl. Good luck!!
多一絲快樂, 少一些煩惱;
不論鈔票多少, 只要開心就好;
累了就睡, 醒來就微笑;
生活是什麼滋味, 還得自己放調料;
一切隨緣, 童心到老, 快樂一生
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baby 發表於 2005-11-18 13:09 | 只看該作者
hi mingyu,

thanks for sharing the wonderfully story of your girl...

During my pregancy, my son's neck was wrapped by the cord too, not one round but two round.  and from two round, it goes to one round again.  

I have to go Caesarean as well, as the B Ultrasound scanned that my boy heartbeat is not constant on the day of my checkup.  Luckily, it's it also time to deliver him, so I have no choice but to go on Caesarean, as the doctor say it might not be safe if I give birh naturally.

Now he is a healthy boy.
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Adelyn 發表於 2005-11-18 15:45 | 只看該作者
this is what a close friend of mine told me. to make it easy, a first-person was used in writing:

my sister had to go through a ceasarean section to give birth to my nephew as the little boy moved his body so badly that he got his mother's cord twisted with his own neck (just like baby's son did).

my nephew was really a spoiled brat and a big head ache before he took school. at the age of 5, he had already got many bad habites. in his first year in kindergarten here, his teachers complained a lot about his behavior, being selfish, inconsiderate, and aggressive, just to name a few, and my sister was deeply confused. the little boy had lived with his grandparents that obviously he didn't receive care and education as needed (not to say as much and good as mingyu's daughter did from her grandparents). it took another two years for my sister to help her son to rid off his bad habits.

since then, the little boy has moved on the right track and developed into a little gentleman. now, in my eyes, he is almost perfect, like a piece of flawless crystal, thanks to his teachers and the schools he attended here.
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