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打狗棒 發表於 2012-7-1 07:59 | 顯示全部樓層 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 打狗棒 於 2012-7-1 08:52 編輯

參考消息網6月30日報道 外媒稱,中國軍事網站上公布的一系列圖片上顯示的飛機很可能是傳聞已久、卻從未露面的瀋陽飛機工業(集團)有限公司(SAC)研製的第五代戰機的樣機,它被裝載在中國的一輛卡車上。






來源:參考消息網 2012-06-30


Shenyang F 60, another China's fifth generation stealth fighter exposed

8:27:00 AM  Zhao Yan  1 comment

China military: China's SAC F 60, the following China's fifth generation fighter spread on networks in China recently after J 20 fighter. Overall F 60 stealth fighter is similar to U.S. F 22 Raptor.

The suspected photo of China's SAC F 60 fighter test flight

AVIC Shenyang sign on the body of F 60

Overall, F 60 is similar to U.S. F-22 Raptor fighter

China's Shenyang F-60 is looking very similar to F-35 and F15

SAC is the shortened form of Shenyang Aircraft Industry Group. China Shenyang Aircraft Industry Group is approved by SETC (The State Economic and Trade Commission of the People's Republic of China ), which is one the main base of aircraft design and manufacturing of China Aviation Industry.

China's new fighter in transit, may be a new stealth fighter

2:50:00 PM  Zhao Yan  1 comment

Recently a Chinese army fans took the photos of a Chinese new fighter aircraft in transport. from the photo, this type of fighter was wrapped tightly by camouflage canvas, its specific model is unknown.

Many Chinese military forums showed analysis on this fighter: "This aircraft is not large in size, mature in design, judging based on the whole machine's size, it takes the conventional layout of the wing, large flat tail, tilt pairs of the tail up and down 17 meters of the captain, height 5 meters from top to bottom, with a wingspan of about 12 m, empty weight about 12 tons. "

Some one said: "in accordance with a judgment of the airfoil, its similar to the double engines Xiaolong fighter with trapezoidal wings, behind sweep angles are same Xiaolong's, probably about 42 degrees. However, generally can see the photo, the nose edge side of the originator in the inlet on the side angles, higher than the inlet side of the exterior angle, ie, the head vortex skirted the fuselage spine, resulting in the effect of lift. the same time, the inlet side of the exterior angle, a small side edge vortices can produce double vortex integration compound effect does not rule out the nose eddy diffusion process integration and enhanced edge vortex vortex lift effect than Xiaolong coupled with the lifting body effect, in similar to the case of a main wing, the lift characteristics must Xiaolong. do not know the specific data. "

This machine's main wings were not unpacked in transport, this shows that the wings are forming one, very advanced material technology."

The stealth fighter maybe a new four-generation stealth fighter designed by AVIC Shenyang aircraft Corporation.
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