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2013年多倫多Milliken Park植樹&High Park 賞櫻活動









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kylelong 發表於 2013-4-7 08:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 kylelong 於 2013-4-26 11:27 編輯

April 27th & 28th: Trees Across at Milliken Park & Cherry (Sakura) Blossom Festival at High Park
The Tree Across Toronto event at Milliken Park

If you want to remain trees which you planted to your grandchildren or grand-grandchildren, please join in the Tree Across Toronto event at Milliken Park 2013 !
Trees Across Toronto is the city』s native tree and shrub planting program that responds directly to the tree canopy goal and is a major step forward in reclaiming some of our underdeveloped and 「un-treed」 lands.Please review the "How to Plant a Tree" video below prior to the planting day to ensure the tree you plant will live a long and healthy life!

http://wx.toronto.ca/festevents. ... 6d4dde?OpenDocument

If you require more information, please contact greentoronto@toronto.ca,Phone: 311
Date: 27th April, Saturday, 2013
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Milliken Park, 5555 Steeles Ave. E., Toronto, ON, M1J 3N8,Canada.
Organizer: Trees Across Toronto, Presented by City of Toronto - Parks, Forestry and Recreation
TTC Directions: Scarborough RT to Scarborough Centre. McCowan 129 bus to Steeles. Walk east on Steeles to the park entrance.

2013年士嘉堡美麗徑公園(Milliken Park)植樹活動

如果你想給子孫留下您親手栽種的樹木,請加入2013年士嘉堡美麗徑公園(Milliken Park)的植樹活動。Trees Across Toronto是一個多倫多樹木與灌木種植項目,它直接面向為市民提供樹陰和綠地,並向未開發和未種植的土地走出堅實的一步。您可以訪問我們的網站觀看視頻,學習「如何植樹」,以確保您所種植的樹木成活更久更健康!
http://wx.toronto.ca/festevents. ... 6d4dde?OpenDocument

日期: 2013年4月27日星期六
時間: 上午10:00 - 下午12:00
地點:Milliken Park(美麗徑公園),5555 Steeles Ave. E.,Toronto,ON,M1J 3N8,Canada。
組織單位: Trees Across Toronto, Presented by City of Toronto - Parks, Forestry and Recreation(多倫多公園,森林與休閑組織承辦)
TTC:乘坐RT輕軌鐵路到士嘉堡中心(Scarborough Centre),轉TTC公交車McCowan 129到Steeles下車,再向東步行進入公園大門。公園大門(入園處)在Steeles上,向南進入公園。公園內有一個大型社區休閑中心和一個休息處,兩個大型停車場,以及由3個小湖和1個大湖組成的珍珠鏈湖區。園區分為A,B,C,D四個區域。

Cherry (Sakura) Blossom Festival at High Park 2013

Do you want to share the beauty of spring with others ?
Join in Cherry (Sakura) Blossom Festival in High Park 2013 ! Everyone can bring some food, fruits or drinks, and if someone just wants to join us but does not want to bring anything, please contribute $2.00 for food or others.

Date: 28th April, Sunday, 2013
Time: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Location: High Park, 1873 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, M6R 2Z3,Canada.
The best assembly place: The Canadian Flag Lawn (between parking lot and lake). We will show the red banner of Chinese Canadian Environmental Association (CCEA).
Organizer: Chinese Canadian Environmental Association (CCEA)
Warmly Alart:
When you go see the trees, please take public transit (TTC High Park station)! If you must drive, park outside and as far away from the park as possible. If you park illegally, tickets inside the park are up to $105! People and nature belong in parks, not cars. Don't be afraid of a 15 minute walk, it won't hurt much. Also, it is not fun to drive in the park during
the blooming season. It is very, very crowded.

2013年亥公園(High Park )賞櫻花活動

您想與大家一起分享春天的美好嗎?請加入我們加拿大華人環保協會(CCEA)舉辦的2013年亥公園(High Park )賞櫻花活動。您可以帶點自己喜歡的食品、水果或飲料。如果您只是想參與,但不想帶任何食品,可以為協會捐獻2加元,支持我們的環保事業!
公園地址:High Park(亥公園),1873 Bloor Street West,Toronto,ON,M6R 2Z3,Canada。

賞花者請乘坐公交車到達TTC的High Park站。如果您一定要開車,請將車停放在儘可能遠離公園處。如果非法停車,將會收到公園管理處的105加元罰單。別擔心15分鐘的步行入園,不會對你造成任何傷害。何況,開車賞花也並非最佳之舉,園內非常擁擠。最後,請您要自覺帶走自己的廢棄物,不要留下任何影響公園環境的東西。


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