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回復 舉報 [ 5樓 遊客 (2001:56a:x:x:484) ] 發表於 2021-2-5 04:01
回復 舉報 [ 4樓 chy60 ] 發表於 2021-2-5 02:13
From The Guardian; China』s Sinopharm vaccine is being offered to a handful of wealthy people paying for access to the United Arab Emirates』 Covid-19 vaccination programme as part of a partnership to 「bring tourism into the area」, according to an exclusive London club that claims to be brokering the service. The vaccine is in wide usage in the UAE but is yet to receive emergency approval from the UK government or the World Health Organization. The Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine, also approved in the Emirates, is not included in the pay-to-access deal.
回復 舉報 [ 3樓 遊客 (209.141.x.x) ] 發表於 2021-2-5 01:31
回復 舉報 [ 2樓 遊客 (209.195.x.x) ] 發表於 2021-2-5 01:06

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