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回復 舉報 [ 52樓 遊客 (27.99.x.x) ] 發表於 2020-9-30 07:44
回復 舉報 [ 51樓 遊客 (2001:569:x:x:f516) ] 發表於 2020-9-30 07:39
回復 舉報 [ 50樓 遊客 (2001:569:x:x:ad89) ] 發表於 2020-9-30 07:36
回復 舉報 [ 49樓 遊客 (2001:569:x:x:ad89) ] 發表於 2020-9-30 07:27
回復 舉報 [ 48樓 遊客 (135.0.x.x) ] 發表於 2020-9-30 07:10
回復 舉報 [ 47樓 遊客 (49.192.x.x) ] 發表於 2020-9-30 07:08
回復 舉報 [ 46樓 遊客 (2600:8801:x:x:29) ] 發表於 2020-9-30 07:00
厲害 多穢 控制人家的腳與鼻子  
回復 舉報 [ 45樓 syy ] 發表於 2020-9-30 06:38
「要把(大陸)這種軍事冒進的『代價』提高到中國(大陸)不願意付出的程度。(美國)要非常小心謹慎地處理這一問題,努力避免引發衝突。」       從這段話可以看出,「軍事代價」,不僅是對中國的,也是對美國的。當台海局勢發展到一定程度,甚至內部壓力可以動搖中共統治和習近平下台的時候,那麼中共攻台也就不得不實施。
回復 舉報 [ 44樓 遊客 (209.171.x.x) ] 發表於 2020-9-30 06:35
回復 舉報 [ 43樓 遊客 (64.52.x.x) ] 發表於 2020-9-30 06:22
回復 舉報 [ 42樓 遊客 (64.52.x.x) ] 發表於 2020-9-30 06:17
回復 舉報 [ 41樓 遊客 (47.152.x.x) ] 發表於 2020-9-30 06:02
回復 舉報 [ 40樓 遊客 (58.173.x.x) ] 發表於 2020-9-30 05:03
回復 舉報 [ 39樓 中國的中2 ] 發表於 2020-9-30 04:24
Marco Rubio: The only thing that would prevent that from happening is if the cost of doing that is too high, and so my view is the first thing is that we should help Taiwan not to win an all-out conflict against China, that』s not possible, but to have the capability to raise the cost of military adventurism there to a level that China』s not willing to pay and navigate that very carefully with an effort not to try to trigger a conflict like that from happening. That』s, I think, the best hope that we have at this point in managing that relationship, but it』s a very difficult one, it』s a challenging and tricky one, and I do think we have to navigate it very carefully and not be overly provocative, but also not be provocative in the reverse by almost inviting a Chinese action there at some point here in the next decade.
回復 舉報 [ 38樓 總裁判 ] 發表於 2020-9-30 04:23
回復 舉報 [ 37樓 中國的中2 ] 發表於 2020-9-30 04:22
Marco Rubio: It』s a tricky situation. Obviously, the Chinese position within Taiwan has eroded. As you saw in the recent elections in Taiwan, clearly those who oppose being linked to the mainland have grown both in prominence and political strength at the same time as the US has become a more assertive in its relations with Taiwan, sending now two high-ranking officials there in the last month-and-a-half, and you』ve seen an uptick in Chinese air incursions into the air defense zone as a messaging exercise. I do believe that eventually it is a red-line issue for China, and eventually, if necessary, they will move by force, if necessary, to exert their claims on Taiwan, and in many ways, what we』ve seen them do in Hong Kong is a test for that in the sense that that』s how they』d ideally want it to be.
回復 舉報 [ 36樓 遊客 (2600:1003:x:x::68c) ] 發表於 2020-9-30 03:10
回復 舉報 [ 34樓 遊客 (73.225.x.x) ] 發表於 2020-9-30 02:40
回復 舉報 [ 33樓 遊客 (209.141.x.x) ] 發表於 2020-9-30 02:38

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