
what about love

作者:初一  於 2007-8-6 10:04 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


今天看「cold case」聽到這首歌,突然想起從前那些以為永遠沒人愛的日子……


What About Love

I've been lonely
I've been waiting for you
I'm pretending and that's all I can do
The love I'm sending
Ain't making it through to your heart

You've been hiding - never letting it show
Always trying to keep it under control
You got it down and you're well
On your way to the top
But there's something that you forgot

What about love
Don't you want someone to care about you
What about love
Don't let it slip away
What about love
I only want to share it with you
You might need it some day

I can't tell you what you're feeling inside
And I can't sell you what you don't want to buy
Something's missing and you got to
Look back on your life
You know something here just ain't right

What about love
Don't you want someone to care about you
What about love
Don't let it slip away
What about love
I only want to share it with you

What about love
Don't you want someone to care about you
What about love
Don't let it slip away
What about love
I only want to share it with you
Ooh~ no ~ ooh ~ ooh ~
What about love yeah~ooh ~
What about love love love love
What about what about love ~
Ooh ~ love ~









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