

作者:kickbird  於 2010-1-25 00:18 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



Lyrics to Caruso :
Qui dove il mare luccica e dove tira forte il vento
Su una vecchia terrazza davanti al golfo di Sorriento
Un uomo abbraccia una ragazza dopo che aveva pianto
Poi si schiarisce la voce e ricomincia il canto

Te voglio bene assai
Ma tanto ma tanto bene sai
E' una catena ormai
Che scioglie il sangue dint'e vene sai

Vide le luci in mezzo al mare penso alle notti la in America
Ma erano solo le lampare e la bianca scia di un'elica
Senti il dolore nella musica si alzo dal Pianoforte
Ma quando vide la luna uscire da una nuvola
Gli sembro piu dolce anche la morte
Guardo negli occhi la ragazza quegli occhi verdi come il mare
Poi all'improvviso usci una lacrima e lui credette di affogare

Te voglio bene assai
Ma tanto ma tanto bene sai
E' una catena ormai
Che scioglie il sangue dint'e vene sai

La potenza della lirica dove ogni dramma é un falso
Che con un po' di trucco e con la mimica puoi diventare un altro

Cosi divento tutto piccolo anche le notti la in America
Ti volti e vedi la tua vita come la scia di un'elica

Te voglio bene assai
Ma tanto ma tanto bene sai
E' una catena ormai
Che scioglie il sangue dint'e vene sai

Te voglio bene assai
Ma tanto ma tanto bene sai
E' una catena ormai
Che scioglie il sangue dint'e vene sai
Dint'e vene sai









發表評論 評論 (6 個評論)

回復 妞兒 2010-1-28 00:34
I love this song, very much~
回復 妞兒 2010-1-28 00:38
From: http://lyricstranslate.com
Here, where the sea shines and the wind blows
on an old terrace on the Sorrent gulf
a man hugs a girl, after she had cried
then he clears his voice and begins again to sing.
I love you very much
very very much, you know
it's become a chain
that melts the blood inside the veins, you know
He saw the lights in the middle of the sea and thought about the nights there, in America
but they were just the boats (with lights, used to fish during the night) and the white trail of a propeller
He felt pain in the music and got up from the piano
but when he saw the moon coming out from behind a cloud
even death seemed sweet to him
he looked in the eyes of the girl, those eyes green as the sea
then suddenly a tear slipped out and he thought he was going to drown.
I love you very much
very very much, you know
it's become a chain
the melts the blood inside the veins, you know
Power of lyric, where every drama is fake
and with a bit of make-up and mimic you can become another person
but two eyes, so close and so truthful, looking at you
make you forget the words and confuse your thoughts
so everything becomes small, even the nights there, in America
you turn around and you see your life as a propeller's trail
Yeah, it's life that ends, but he didn't think too much about it
on the opposite, he felt (already) happy and began again to sing
I love you very much
very very much, you know
it's become a chain
that melts the blood inside the veins, you know
From: http://lyricstranslate.com
回復 ManCreatedGod 2010-2-6 00:39
回復 珍惜眼前 2010-2-6 10:35
回復 margo 2010-2-7 22:20
回復 散落的雪 2010-2-13 09:08
she has great voice~~sing with passion as well. thanks, kidbird

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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