
Trump Announces New 10 Percent Tariff on $300 Billion in Chinese Goods

作者:fastest  於 2019-8-2 03:37 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


President Trump announced Thursday that he will impose a 10 percent tariff on $300 billion in Chinese goods beginning September 1, further escalating the ongoing trade war between China and the U.S. at a crucial moment in their relationship.

Trump announced the latest tariffs on Twitter days after high-level talks between Chinese and American negotiations resumed in Shanghai following a nearly two-month hiatus.

Our representatives have just returned from China where they had constructive talks having to do with a future Trade Deal. We thought we had a deal with China three months ago, but sadly, China decided to re-negotiate the deal prior to signing. More recently, China agreed to...


China is doing very badly, worst year in 27 - was supposed to start buying our agricultural product now - no signs that they are doing so. That is the problem with China, they just don』t come through. Our Economy has become MUCH larger than the Chinese Economy is last 3 years....

..My team is negotiating with them now, but they always change the deal in the end to their benefit. They should probably wait out our Election to see if we get one of the Democrat stiffs like Sleepy Joe. Then they could make a GREAT deal, like in past 30 years, and continue









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