

作者:chico  於 2012-2-9 04:02 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



BEIJING, Feb 8 (Reuters) - A deputy mayor of Chongqing in the southwest China has gone on leave due to overwork, the city government said on Wednesday in the face of widespread talk across the Chinese Internet that he faced a corruption investigation and had even sought refuge at a U.S. consulate.
  Even if false, the rumours accumulating around deputy mayor Wang Lijun could be an embarrassing blow to the Communist Party secretary of Chongqing, Bo Xilai, who is widely seen as campaigning for a place in the party's next central leadership, which will be settled by late 2012.
  Wang, 52, was reassigned from overseeing the public security bureau -- where he was closely associated with a high-profile crackdown on organised crime -- to oversee education, science, environmental protection and other areas last Thursday.
  The move fuelled rumours on Chinese microblogs that he was under investigation by the authorities for corruption.
  "It is understood that Vice-Mayor Wang Lijun, who has suffered overwork and immense metal stress for a long time, is seriously indisposed physically. He is currently undergoing a vacation-style treatment ," the Chongqing information office said on its microblog.
  But on Wednesday, Chinese microblogs said Wang sought asylum at the U.S. consulate in Chengdu in southwest Sichuan province, prompting police to gather around the consulate.
  Richard Buangan, the spokesman at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, told Reuters that he was "not in a position to comment regarding reported requests for asylum."
  "I can tell you there was no threat to the (Chengdu) consulate yesterday, and the U.S. government did not request increased security around the compound," said Buangan.

  The unconfirmed rumours about Wang's flight come shortly before Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping is due to visit the United States on a trip that will underscore his virtual certainty of succeeding Hu Jintao as top leader from late 2012.
  Wang is seen as the right-hand man of Bo, a charismatic politician who has encouraged a revival of socialist symbols from the time of Mao Zedong and is widely expected to be a contender for a place in the new lineup of Chinese leaders to be appointed next year.
  Wang's mobile phone was turned off on Wednesday. A Chongqing official contacted about Wang would not comment on the reports.
  Wang rose through the ranks of police in his home region of Inner Mongolia and then Liaoning province in northeast China, where he became an ally of Bo. He was transferred to Chongqing in 2008, after Bo was sent there as party boss.
  In Chongqing, Wang was a key figure in Bo's campaign against organized crime, which was welcomed by many residents, but criticized by some lawyers and political commentators as purge-like effort that trampled on legal procedures. (Reporting by Chris Buckley, Sui-Lee Wee, Sabrina Mao, Sisi Tang in Hong Kong, Benjamin Kang Lim; Editing by Don Durfee and Ed Lane)
Washington confirms Wang visited consulate The Associated Press  Posted: Feb 8, 2012 10:44 AM ET

In Washington, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland confirmed that Wang sought and had a meeting at the consulate and later left "of his own volition." She declined to comment on whether he had sought refugee status or asylum.

She said to her knowledge, the consulate had not been in contact with Wang since the meeting.

Employees of businesses near the Chengdu consulate reported large numbers of police vehicles in the area on Tuesday night, but said the area was quiet on Wednesday.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Weimin told reporters he had no information on the matter.

A city government spokesman, who like many Chinese bureaucrats would give only his surname, Ye, said he could neither deny or confirm the reports of Wang's asylum bid.

"We saw that on the Internet, too. I don't have relevant information now," Ye said.


2012年02月09日 19:26       來源:鳳凰衛視











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回復 在美一方 2012-2-9 04:10
In Washington, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland confirmed that Wang sought and had a meeting at the consulate and later left "of his own volition." She declined to comment on whether he had sought refugee status or asylum.

She said to her knowledge, the consulate had not been in contact with Wang since the meeting.
回復 chico 2012-2-9 05:03
在美一方: In Washington, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland confirmed that Wang sought and had a meeting at the consulate and later left " ...
updated. thanks

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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