
林肯公園linkin park:Crawling爬行

作者:BANGZI  於 2024-2-5 22:25 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


Crawling爬行 -林肯公園linkin park

Crawling in my skin爬行在我的皮膚上
These wounds, they will not heal 這些傷口,它們將不會癒合
Fear is how I fall恐懼是我如何倒下
Confusing what is real困惑什麼是真的
There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface我體內有某種東西在表面下拖拽
Consuming, confusing消耗、困惑中
This lack of self control I fear is never ending這種自控的缺失我怕是永無盡頭的
I can't seem我看不出來
To find myself again能重新找到我自己
My walls are closing in我的圍牆越來越靠近了
(Without a sense of confidence, I'm convinced) (沒有自信感,我確信)
(That there's just too much pressure to take)(有太多的壓力要承受)
I've felt this way before我以前有過這樣的感覺
So insecure如此沒有安全感

Crawling in my skin爬行在我的皮膚上
These wounds, they will not heal這些傷口,它們將不會癒合
Fear is how I fall恐懼是我如何倒下
Confusing what is real困惑什麼是真的
Discomfort, endlessly has pulled itself upon me不適,無休無止地向我襲來
Distracting, reacting分心、反應
Against my will I stand beside my own reflection違背我的意願我站在自己的倒影旁
It's haunting 讓人揮之不去
How I can't seem我怎麼看不出來
To find myself again能重新找到我自己
My walls are closing in 我的圍牆越來越靠近了
(Without a sense of confidence, I'm convinced)(沒有自信感,我確信)
(That there's just too much pressure to take)(有太多的壓力要承受)
I've felt this way before我以前有過這樣的感覺
So insecure 如此沒有安全感

Crawling in my skin爬行在我的皮膚上
These wounds, they will not heal這些傷口,它們將不會癒合
Fear is how I fall恐懼是我如何倒下
Confusing what is real困惑什麼是真的

Crawling in my skin爬行在我的皮膚上
These wounds, they will not heal這些傷口,它們將不會癒合
Fear is how I fall恐懼是我如何倒下
Confusing, confusing what is real困惑,困惑什麼是真的
There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface我體內有某種東西在表面下拖拽
Consuming (confusing what is real) 消耗(困惑什麼是真的)
This lack of self control I fear is never ending這種自控的缺失我怕是永無盡頭的
Controlling (confusing what is real) 控制(困惑什麼是真的)









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