
大姑媽Elton John和啪姐Dua Lipa合作:冷酷的心COLD HEART

作者:BANGZI  於 2022-2-12 06:07 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


近來啪姐火在電匣子里火的不行,接連出了幾首大熱的歌曲。一兩年前推出的歌到現在還在熱播。杜阿·利帕(Dua Lipa),1995822日出生於英國倫敦,阿爾巴尼亞裔英國女歌手、詞曲作者、模特。貌似她的很多歌拿了各種獎,這幾天在紐約巡演。她家是科索沃的,爹媽是木司令,看樣子這離經叛教也不算啥大事兒,沒聽說聖戰的要追殺她嘛!


大姑媽和啪姐合作翻唱大姑媽的冷酷的心cold heart。歌壇老套路,新秀翻花樣,老將蹭熱度。歌曲是由大姑媽的三首老歌攢在一起而成的:1972年的火箭人rocket man,1989年的犧牲sacrifice,和1983年的親親新娘子kiss the bride。中文叫啪姐容易理解,lipa諧啪的音。大姑媽的稱號應該來自Elton是同志的梗,扮女的。呵呵。。。


Elton John/Dua Lipa: Cold Heart

It's a human sign
When things go wrong
When the scent of her lingers
And temptation's strong
Cold, cold heart
Hardened by you (oh)
Some things lookin' better, baby
Just passin' through (no, no, no, no, no)
And I think it's gonna be a long, long time
'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no, no, no
And this is what I should have said
Well I thought it, but I kept it hid
Cold, cold heart
Hardened by you (oh)
Some things lookin' better, baby
Just passin' through (no, no, no, no, no)
And I think it's gonna be a long, long time
'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no, no, no (no, no, no, no, no)
And this is what I should have said
Well I thought it, but I kept it hid
Cold, cold heart (oh)
Hardened by you
Some things lookin' better, baby (oh)
Just passin' through (no no, no, no, no)
And I think it's gonna be a long, long time
'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no, no, no (no, no, no, no, no)
And this is what I should have said (and I think it's gonna be a long, long time)
('Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find)
Well I thought it, but I kept it hid (I'm not the man they think I am at home)
(Oh no, no, no) (no, no, no, no, no)
Sugar (oh)
Sugar (oh)
(No, no, no, no, no)









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